Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Grenada was my favorite by far.

We don’t need any help from security guards who are by a large percentage just wanna be cops.

How about their pensions are tied to a black lives stock market where the value of their portfolio is directly tied to how many black people the police murder. Really it will track all police murders. Lots of police murders, portfolio value crashes into nothingness. No police murders and it soars.

I know it feels like double compensation and it is… but just a thought. We may not be able to convince them not to be racist but we might be able to pay them to pretend like they are not.


I think this is an important part of the protests to note. Police response has been unhinged with many additional murders of innocent people and violent attacks.

They could not have shown their ass more if they had tried.


Panama doesn’t even get a mention apparently.

I don’t know a lot about George Romney, but this seems accurate. My grandfather was head of the Milwaukee FHA in the 1960’s. Was replaced in 1971 because he was a Democrat and Republicans took over. He implemented all sorts of great policies that helped a ton of families, particularly black single mothers on welfare, get themselves into affordable homes. Much of the cost of the homes was funded by state and local governments and non-profits. He also implemented programs to ensure the houses were up to snuff, since they were older, to provide home owners with funds to make sure unexpected repairs were covered, and to train homeowners in home repairs. He even required the homeowners using the program to attend classes on home repair, insurance, taxes, etc. They were paid to go to classes and were provided transportation and child care. At the end of the class, everyone received a proper set of tools.

His FHA was scandal-free and was lauded as the gold standard in the U.S.

Long story short, after he was canned, Romney called him up to ask him to be his consultant. My grandfather even testified before Congress.

EDIT: I have read a criticism of my grandfather’s program that was overly paternalistic and kept poor, black mothers further under the watch of the government. I get where that is coming from and while I wasn’t alive back then and certainly don’t know all the details, I do know from what I’ve read and from knowing my wonderful grandfather, that any flaws came from a place of good intentions and a true desire to improve people’s lives.



Your post was clearly meant to suggest Biden was just being his normal centrist self as a dig against him. I don’t agree with him or Bernie, I’m just saying it’s not fair to single Biden out as if his position deviates from the rest of the left wing caucus.


Seemingly so unfortunately.



Additional funding suggestion by Biden is astoundingly tone deaf.

Voting for this ignorant fuck is going to be one of the dirtiest things I’ve ever had to do.


You have to see the long term plan. For just 300 billion dollars, we can supply police with more powerful weapons to murder all the people with no health insurance, thereby achieving universal health care at a fraction of the cost of M4A.


He’s also not for open borders, drug legalization, legalization of sex work, and he’s not a cult leader.

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I’m also surprised and pleased with the reaction so far…but still, if the news cycle moves on, who knows? I would bet on blue ribbon commissions, a few cities doing something dramatic, but nationally having police budgets continue to increase.



At least they captured the context for why this white woman got smacked. Seriously all the way up to a fixably broken nose this was justified. Like this whole incident from the perspective of the person doing the hitting… Holy fuck.



Biden’s position is to shoot people in the legs. Of course he deserves to be singled out.