Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


Someone intercut footage of police brutality amidst his outrage.


I’m dying hahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

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Seattle is a place to watch over the next few days, some wild stuff going on over there


Yeah I was seeing the protesters have a whole six blocks or something and have built their own barricades?

These people deserve an NBA team.


I think someone posted it up thread maybe yesterday but police abandoned the police station in that area and it was boarded up so I’m guessing they knew this was coming. There were a few concerts there and a local politician or two came to speak and is speaking again tomorrow. We will see what happens



Thank you - and holy cow that is incredible!

This is pure genius.

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It’s not uniform across departments, but the Suffolk and Nassau Cops (who are consistently the highest paid police force in the country) have disgusting OT rules. Something like, if they have to work for 5 minutes off shift they get minimum recall of 7 hours at the double time overtime rate. So take a typical midnight shift cop in either. Any court hearing that they have to show up for, even if it’s for 45 minutes, just netted them the equivalent of 14 hours of pay. If a midnight shift cop makes a lot of DWI arrests, they’re going ot testify a lot, at pre-trial hearings. those hearings are not going ot be during their normal shift and are going to trigger the minimum recall. With a base salary around 140/150 depending on how many years they’ve had not he force, 30 minutes of testimony can net them the equivalent of $3,120 pre-tax. That’s just one example, there are a ton more of how the police in those two counties legally clock massive amounts of overtime.

Anyway, it’s not that the cops are forging their time, it’s that they’ve got these disgusting overtime rules where they can literally work a tiny amount of time and clock massive hours, pursuant to the ridiculous union contracts Nassau and Suffolk keep agreeing to.


The guy is kind of a badass, and there’s a lot more.

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lmaooo deblasio knows what his city wants. Also I hope they don’t put the damn hashtag on the street sign if they’re going to go thru with this




What’s up with the ER nurse report?

There’s probably a set of symptoms common to exposure to dangerous chemicals, whether tear gas or illegal drugs. I would guess that overdose would be the best guess in the absence of indications of another explanation.

The guy says they knew each other “pretty well” and had issues over Chauvin being “extremely aggressive” with patrons. This goes beyond previous reports where the owner wasn’t sure if they had ever met.


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It is bullshit. No nurse would sign off on a cause of death for anyone. I’d guess that particular turd of a paper took our something completely trivial to the reporter (if the nurse even exists) and use it as clickbait. 100 % with the exception of alcohol, no doc is going to sign out a cause of death until tox is resulted

Understand I am only talking about the bullshit from the newspaper - It’s close to certain that she was killed by either tear gas or pepper spray - I’m just irritated by the alleged reporter


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Straight up asked a criminal defense attorney (who is also a trumpkin, but leaning toward the side of good. I’m working on him) friend how this scenario would affect the case. He told me that any friction they had would strengthen the prosecution’s case against Chauvin. Motive and all that.

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Definitely needed a lawyer to tell me that.

But, seriously, though, I’d want to know his opinion on what evidence would be necessary for him to feel confident in the chances of upgrading the charge to first-degree murder and getting a conviction on that.


I’ll ask, but it that seems trickier