Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I’m not saying that we should do anything different. Just use a more marketable label. Still defund the police.

Because it doesn’t matter how easy it is. It will happen anyway. And the police should be defunded/abolished and people with that position put more pressure on the government to do something than people calling for blue ribbon commissions to study police violence.

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It’s not fucking idiotic, because your median low info voter doesn’t really give a fuck about the accuracy of a jobs report. At least some might get spooked by “No Police”.

No one is saying we shouldn’t defund the police.

And even if it may happen anyway, the easy with which it happens and the efficacy with which it sticks will probably have some impact. Probably not a lot, but Trump won by some razor thin margins. No need to just give up EV.

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You expect anyone - Biden, De Blassio, Cuomo, Garcetti - to defund the police when we aren’t even willing to ask for it? People go in the streets demanding another Warren Commission and they come back and say “I’ll do you one better, let’s defund the police”. ???

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You’re taking people who want to defund the police for granted and that might mess up your razor thin margin.

Nah, those people are locked in anti Trump.

I just think it’s better to lose that particular battle by 50pts instead of 60pts. It’s a blowout either way, but it’s a bit less ground to make up in other areas.


Also, worth keeping in mind.



We just have to do the same thing, right? Like Trump said kill all Mexicans? Does that happen? Does that work?

It’s pretty much a FOX News move. Overwhelm with too many questions to answer in order to make the other person unable to answer everything within the 30 seconds they get and the deplorable think they’ve owned you.

Pretty easy to just respond with, “Have you?” just to troll people. Based on his response about Brees, I doubt he’s against police brutality and is just trying to trigger you.

Yeah we actually don’t. This is where I REALLY break with a lot of people on this board. I would really appreciate the Democrats being an organization that played to win instead of to minimize the appearance of impropriety. I’ll totally agree that Trump is demonstrating the dangers of the other side of the spectrum, but it IS a spectrum and it has a lot of stops in between… and I can count on maybe two hands the number of intellectually honest slippery slope arguments I’ve ever heard.

I think a lot of you guys think the Dems keep losing because they aren’t pure enough. I think it’s because they aren’t pure enough in some places and are crazy sanctimonious a whole bunch of places where it doesn’t even matter.

A lot of you still think Al Franken getting got was according to best practice… and your entire argument hinges on it being the right thing to do with absolutely no fucks given about the number of people you’re excluding from running for office… as though we’ve got a deep bench of great talent to spare.

Katie Hill flipped a seat that had been held by the GOP since 1993. We watched her get run out of town on a rail for not being a perfect person. I guess we can be sure that no Millenial or Gen Z women who ever took nudes will ever run for office now. And definitely nobody who has ever done anything wrong sexually. That stuff is totally unforgivable obviously. Oh and the GOP got the seat back ldo, but remember that’s not relevant right? Because we’re pure enough? Meanwhile the whole institution is run by a bunch of people who reside in the pockets of various and sundry oligarchs.

Talented people have OPTIONS. They do not have to go into politics. A huge part of the reason our politics have been such a dumpster fire this last 2-3 decades is that as a career being a politician sucks compared to other options. A lot. There are a lot of talented people on this board, and absolutely none of us (who live in the US) have opted for the political career track… and we all know it’s because the work sucks and the money is extremely shitty if you’re honest and sort of mediocre if you aren’t.



I’d like to add a thought in the spirit of arming ourselves for debate. When I have discussions about systemic racism with boomers, they get their hackles up even more than my Gen X comrades. The position that they hold runs along this line: There was racism in this country until the civil rights bill was passed and Dr. MLK jr. gave his I Have A Dream Speech. Ever since then, racism is only carried on by white supremicists (and even we boomers think they’re bad) and in the minds of black people. If they would just be courteous with police like we are, they wouldn’t have any problem. But they can get loans like us, buy houses like us, shop in same stores as us, ergo no racism.


Also known as the ‘gish-gallop’, or ‘fire hose of falsehood’.

And our bench is shit. Probably because most people aren’t confident enough in their perfection. They don’t want to go through the hell involved in becoming a Democratic politician. Because it is hell, and that is because most (and this goes double for talented people who society frequently lets get away with things) people aren’t close to perfect.

You guys had a feeding frenzy moment with me because I was getting coffee from drive thru’s with mask and gloves. In this version of America. Because principles that’s why.

This tendency right here where we swarm people, that’s not attractive to people who have other options that won’t do that.

It’s an incredible system for finding and promoting bloodless, risk averse, mediocrities… and goddamn if that doesn’t perfectly describe about 85% of the Democratic members of the house and Senate.

And I’m sorry, women aren’t going for us because we expelled Al Franken. And as my next example demonstrated this isn’t about gender. It’s about our expectations of what a candidate looks like. If you want proof that voters are more forgiving than this I’ll happily show you plenty of politicians who recovered from scandal to win tons of elections after they got caught in office doing something bad. Donald Trump is our fucking president.





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