Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


The money is going to the building group not him, hopefully they tell him to get lost.


Maybe it’s not that he thinks it’s a bad personal opportunity, but WichitaDM doesn’t think it’s good for his Goddaughter to travel around the world killing people.

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I understand the downvote and stuff, but my broader point is that the real “welfare” in the US is though the military. Free school, free healthcare, hiring preferences, etc. Sure, you gotta push the button on the box, but it’s free money. And people underestimate just how much free money it is.

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A lot of nurses go through nursing having the tuition+books+expenses (up to $140K, more or less) then three years on duty and done if they want to. Most of the nurses I worked with though it was a fair deal - although from what I know most don’t re-up - but coming out with no loans would be an enticement




[quote=“Nononocantsleep, post:799, topic:1904”]
I have this exercise I go through when I don’t understand others’ behavior. First, I assume that I am not inherently better than them. Then, I consider what life experiences it might take for me to act similarly. Then, I think deeply about the life experiences that these people have had. [/quote]

A lot of you were on-board when I directed this toward angry protesters. What about when we apply the the same to the National Guard? There are massive systemic issues plaguing the military, but it’s both prejudicial and a literal statistical fallacy to draw conclusions about every single participant.

Prejudice is often an instinct-driven protective response that generalizes our perception of a threat to all similar stimuli. So while we’re all being inundated with videos of police brutality and authoritarian violence, I think it’s worth being careful about extending our hatred to random enlisted man #30015. And yeah, obviously you have some agency over your enlistment, but not everyone has the same level of agency - or even the same understanding of what they’re signing up for.

Maybe that dude sucks. Or maybe he’s on the fence about whether protesters are the a-holes the TV makes them out to be. Or maybe he hates what he’s doing, and saying “good morning” is the best he can do in-context to let you know that he cares about your situation. Regardless, while saying “fuck off” is perhaps the optimal response for - potentially misplaced - catharsis, it’s probably not the best method of encouraging this dude’s increased empathy and humanity.


Hi everyone, a few folks had expressed interest in my daughter’s art turned into wearable protest gear. So here it is! Posting in this thread as I don’t want to violate site rules. All proceeds go to NAACP Legal Defense Fund.



That’s some quintessential white privilege. But at least you’re using it for good.


I have a niece in nursing school who came out of the military. Yeah, it was a good deal for her - though she didn’t like the military much (don’t really know the reasons - she did not go overseas).

eta: Lots of people in my family have worked either for defense contractors, the military or the criminal justice system. I don’t hide my opinions about such things, but I don’t get into fights with them about it either.

When I was growing up and there weren’t really conflicts it seemed different to join imo. My uncle was in the Air Force and toured Europe while working as an MP in Germany. He had boxes and boxes of slides of all the castles and shit he visited as a tourist. I also had Green Beret great uncles who have shrapnel in their leg to this day from Korea War.

I have a close friend in JAG and his life seems pretty damn easy. He doesn’t work very hard, and banks substantially his entire salary as all major expenses are covered.

Fuck off is my standard reply to everyone.


Catch the fever!


This is in Inso-town. Do we need a separate Karens Gone Wild thread?



She’s about to lose her job
She’s about to lose her job
Cause she spit on him, on camera.
She’s about to lose her job
She’s about up lose her job

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My dad’s Korean war heroism story is that he was initially assigned a dangerous duty but lied and said he could type and was insted assigned to the secretarial pool. He rapidly taught himself to type.

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My step dad was in the Army during Vietnam. He was also a secretary. His go to joke was that he should have received or did receive a purple heart (it switched between the two) because he got his finger stuck in the typewriter.

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Jeez, your dad is old. My dad was 6 when the Korean War started and I’m probably more than 10 years older than you.

eta: correction, he was 7.