Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Stormy Daniels owns this copyright.

Yayaya it’s garbo and evil. But his assertion about our area seems wrong – Also what Econo says about the OT is for fucking sure true sadly. When I was first brought on as a tempt to my factory they had us on 7 days a week for over a year. Ever 28 days that gave us a single day off for a while. Sometimes we’d get a whole weekend! We worked on 4th of July and Labor Day as well in 2017. We kill ourselves to survive.


um cool anecdote bro? Not sure what your point is. My point: almost half of americans who work 40 hours a week make $20k per year or less, which is way way too low, your point: _____

You seem very cool.

Um? As I said in my first comment, I was addressing the other guy you quoted, I’m not used to using the site beyond simply reading so I don’t know what else you want me to say to you?

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Its fine I’m probably too mean as usual :expressionless: I apologize. Minimum/low wage issues is probably one of the all time worst problems america has IMO and its a fucking travesty its been this way for 10 years and counting.

So, fat guy in a little coat, and proud dad moment: Wearing my daughter’s graphic art turned into wearable protest gear. Attended today’s peaceful protest rally in Southlake TX. For those of you familiar with Tarrant County, you know Tarrant County is the reddest county in Texas. And yet, over 2500 attendees estimated at the rally. The narrator is coming for me, but something is happening in USA#1. Mayor did walk of shame after giving the classic “it’s bad, but bootstraps” speech. Student led protest and students shouted her weak ass shit down. I am feeling better now than I have felt in weeks. Also, I’ve had a few beers in celebration of my wokeness. But damn, I wish ya’ll could have been there.


That link doesn’t state those are people who work full time and I really doubt anywhere near most do. It’s more likely to have multiple low paying jobs than one full time low paying one.

I agree completely! It’s dogcrap that my plant is considered “the good one” bc it starts you out at 13 instead of 10 like every other in the area. My apologies for quoting you and not that guy, I got off my 12 hr shift and clicked the post without realizing. It’s hard to live with such low wages. I got lucky with my QC promotion.

@chupacabre that looks amazing!


@microbet I want a chupacabrette shirt!


Awesome! We should have an Etsy site set up by tomorrow. All proceeds will go to BLM.org Unless Unstuck crew has better organizations to kick the money over to.

ETA: Majority of protesters wore masks.

ETA: Thanks Sabo: Perhaps you meant blacklivesmatter.com ?



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waay too many of his stories start with, “so i was with a couple deplorable friends…”

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Not sure if this guy is an ignorant moron or if he wrote this flyer himself (likely both). Regardless, there’s a lot of gold here.



If we still have a functional democracy with free and fair elections, this will lead to significant reform within five years IMO, which is a pretty fast timeline in a country of this size. Protesters need to be converted to activists and active voters, including in the primaries.

The problem is that this timeline also includes the whole fascist Trump administration grabbing power and trying to cheat every chance it gets. So it’s very much up in the air whether this election will even be free and fair.

Two thoughts:

  1. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Give yourself some days off of thinking about this and/or some days to only spend a couple hours.

  2. When you’re at a protest or talking to people who have been at protests, discuss things you guys can do in a week, a month, six months, a year to further this cause. Try to get people to commit to voting on this issue and at least one other thing. There is a ton to choose from, but showing up at local government hearings/meetings and trying to get speaking slots, writing letters/emails to your mayor/city council/etc, calling those people, just being a pain in their ass until this changes. It could be picking candidates who make this a priority and volunteering for them. It could be running for city council. It could be getting involved more directly in organizing with BLM, maybe having monthly protests even if they’re smaller. And on and on, there are so many ways to do things.

Keep in mind that X city council seats today is going to translate to Y mayors, Z members of Congress, etc in 10 years.

The unrest in Ferguson after Michael Brown’s killing happened in 2014. In 2015, Ella Jones ran for City Council and became the first African-American ever elected to the Council there. In 2017, she ran for mayor and lost 57% to 43%. This year, she won 54-46% and the city has its first black mayor and first female mayor. Real significant change might take time, but if we manage to hang onto our democracy, it’ll come.

Turn protesters into registered voters who show up in primaries. AOC needed 12,881 votes to beat Joe Crowley. She got 16,898. In the general election in 2018 there were 141,122 votes cast. Thousands and thousands of people are marching in city after city. So she only needed 9.12% of the general election electorate to turn out for her in the primary to get the W and knock off one of the most powerful establishment Democrats in the country.

In my state senate district, you needed 8,461 votes to win the primary. In my lower chamber, currently 1,376 is enough for first - it went four ways and they’re not done counting. In the last City Council primary, 6-10K votes was the range you needed to win each race.

It takes someone with some combination of charisma, organizing ability, resolve, and the craziness to try.

There are, the question is whether they’re willing to try - whether they want to give up a year of however much they’re earning, risk death threats, get their good name dragged through the mud, etc to try. There are at least a few, if not 10+ people on this forum who would have a real shot at winning a primary election for city council or higher if they ran.

There is too much money in the system and too few people vote in primaries. Most of these mayors are still subservient to the wealthy in their cities.

Step 1, convince yourself that real change is impossible anyway.

Step 2, decide to cash in on it.

Step 3, remind yourself of #1 as you lay your head down on your giant pile of money.

Fire 'em all and start from scratch probably polls pretty well in Minneapolis. Abolish em all nationwide and don’t replace them with anything probably polls somewhere around 10%, yes. That’s because it’s a terrible position.


LOL at whoever came up with that thinking people would believe it’s real.

The clearest sign is that they censored FUCK but not FAGGOT, when a real leftist would do the opposite .


“Assimulate” is the dead giveaway a Republican wrote it.


in yet another confederate statue falling news in it’s own capital


There’s got to be some sort of Onion article built around a headline about a Confederate statue tripping and falling on its own.


Very cool.

A few more tidbits on southlake and the rally today. For those who don’t know Southlake is a very high end suburb between Dallas and Fort Worth.

It is exactly the kind of place you would think would be throwing up walls and moats and hiring private security forces. Seems like students were the biggest part of it which is always encouraging. However in the battle for their souls I know a lot of them will end up on the dark side. Maybe this experience save a few more.





I am very happy about this, so don’t get me wrong. However it does having thinking a lot about the impact these peaceful protests are having versus when things were more chaotic. Are protesters just being patted on the head, given a cookie and sent on their way?

To be fair I never thought the violence was a part of the overwhelming majority of protesters and a lot of that was instigated directly by police. My question is, is the current state of protesting having an impact on the changing of the power dynamic that is required?