Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

He also has “I’m tripping out because that blew my mind” mode.

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And of course there’s stuff like believing bigfoot could be real. A basic understanding of science could really help Rogan steer away from a lot of the dumber conspiracies.


Well that’s exactly the point. Simply adopting the contrarian position to everything leaves you wide open to all kinds of idiocy even of you’re right twice a day like a broken clock.

Yeah lol. When I used to listen regularly a few years ago he would rip Eddie for being a conspiracy nut and then go off on his own conspiracy shit.


Yeah this is why I’m pretty tolerant of what he does. I really don’t mind some dude being a contrarian in a big public way. Even if he gives air time to pieces of shit from time to time. Better than CNN who give plenty of time to pieces of shit without any of the different ideas.


Of course. If orders come down from Trump and Trump stooges, who knows, but soldiers are way less reactionary in average than cops. That’s always true.

Seriously that JRE episode with the cop is gold. I’ve been watching it for an hour and holy shit. Everyone should watch this. This is crazy.

There’s a reason why the military mostly hires children.

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It’s also easier to consolidate a small police department vs an Army platoon or whatever. The police department can hire/promote the “white” ones. Meanwhile, if you send the military to a city, there’s a chance soldiers are from that city.

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This is all true and others have made good points too, but still better than cops. The military will follow orders, but let’s put it this way…you get to put an average front line soldier in charge of making the decisions on how to handle protesters or you get to put and average front line cop in charge?


His most recent episode with the hosts of Rising is really good.

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Don’t get me wrong…Abolish the military too…but 30 years turned that Army into police. If the US Army occupied DC for a couple years it would change the Army a lot.

Getting cops out of schools would be huge.


Time for Cactus.

This. I got to believe 50% of more in San Diego County. There’s a school->prison pipeline, and there’s a military->police pipeline. Ex-military shouldn’t be allowed to be cops, flat out. The values the “bad” cops have are what they “learned” in the military.

About police so-called crowd control tactics: people got to understand that all that gear, and all that doctrine, serves one exact particular purpose: strike suppression. They otherwise use it on crowds as effectively training exercises. It’s just that simple.

The capitalists will never give up their ability to do evictions, and to suppress strikes, without a violent fight. No amount of reformism. like refunding, will ever change that fact. Not changing that fact will guarantee we’ll see this level of repression again & again & again. This is true world wide.

People got to know our history. It works like this… cops, NG, regular army. It’s designed to work like that. Push comes-to-shove it’s always worked like that. Every single time.

Stop deifying “the troops” for goodness sake.


This is true. I live two miles away. Been attending gatherings and talks and have heard this from black speakers many times “they don’t call the cops at that place,” “we don’t blame the kid, he did what he thought he was supposed to do,” etc.

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The military isn’t getting violent because their orders are just to show up and avoid conflict. Presumably the leadership at some level below Trump recognizes that turning turning other Americans into enemies comes with consequences they don’t want to deal with.

It’s an extremely volatile situation though. All it will take is one violent confrontation and the soldiers who aren’t really sure about where they stand will snap step up to defend their fellow soldiers. Then the soldiers who never wanted to kill civilians will realize the fight is on and they really have no choice but to stick with their side. Then units who aren’t even on the front lines yet will come to the same conclusion. The chain reaction that will lead to the entire military to devolve into the same mindset as the police could literally happen overnight.


That’s all fair, but it’s a matter of degree. Soldiers are often recruited as literal children and they can’t just quit any time without the only consequence being unemployment.

Cops are also decision-makers, while your average private most certainly is not. I tend to agree with your notion that it’s probably better on average for the protester to be forced to deal with a US Army regular than a cop, but there’s quite a bit of variance here which will rest largely on the soldier’s chain of command. The cop is going to react and/or just do whatever the fuck he wants; the soldier is going to follow orders.

I also strongly agree with Rogan’s guest wrt the gap in training between soldiers and cops. It’s more like a gulf than a gap. Your cop goes to the academy, gets out, and is thrown to the proverbial wolves. He will get a partner for a while probably and there will be seminars and whatnot but he’s mostly learning on the job. OTOH the soldier’s entire job is training. When I was in the Army that’s literally all we did when we were not deployed, and sometimes that’s what we did when we were deployed.


Revolutions sometimes happen in the military. Never in the police force.