Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


Thank you. Juan Ramirez?

This had a content advisory i had to click through to watch. Pretty silly.


wash examiner writer


supplementing earlier posts by various - sabo et al

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If white privilege was capable of taking human form, it’d walk, talk, think, and look like Meghan McCain. Such a talentless waste of space.


i got bombed by this stupid video of some college kids getting their apartment windows smashed while yelling ‘were on your side’. my highly trained spider sense are telling me that is fake/misleading somehow, especially since all the sources lead to Ami Horowitz twitter account. Anyone know who uploaded it originally or whatever?




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Apparently a few racist hashtags started trending. The internet responded.

#Whitelivesmatter got taken over by K-pop fans.

#Whiteoutwednesday got taken over with a mixture of another bunch of K-pop gifs, pictures of Bic Wite-Out and general messages of solidarity with black protestors.


This is all good, but he’s too focused on just police shootings instead of police forces being used as state sponsored highwaymen to raise revenue for localities. I’m a repeat customer for police harassment and I’m not dead. I’m also a repeat customer as the victim of crimes who has never ever seen law enforcement put any effort at all towards doing any law enforcement.

We have too many cops and the laws they ‘enforce’ are prioritized entirely incorrectly. They’re a bigger threat to the citizens of the US at this point than the criminals they are doing a terrible job of protecting us from.

The sad truth is that the really extreme cases of police abuse that end in death are far from the worst part of the overall system in terms of harm done. That’s the infinite milder versions of abuse by law enforcement that happen a few million times a year.


There was an interesting interview on the most recent lawfare podcast with a sociologist who studies police violence and brought this up.

I wish Serial season 3 was required listening for the entire country.

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Nobody who grew up poor and male in America (any color although obviously minorities have it worse… which is crazy because being a poor young white dude in America will get you a pretty lousy police experience or two) needed a podcast to tell them that.

Funny thing about accusing cops of being racist… they’ll immediately tell you that they fuck up white kids too. They actually aren’t lying about that. They just fuck up the same number of each, and then the criminal justice system is nicer to the white kids than the black ones when it comes to punishment.


All of you that enjoy spreading that bullshit copaganda maybe think twice



Tbf a lot of protestors in videos are demanding police kneel and cheering for it and I have no idea what they’re thinking.



It would be fun to learn how many cops would be accurately labeled serial killers if their crimes were given exposure.


Brutality on kids is the same regardless of race? Source?

#4, #7, and #8 are on the right track. Abolish the police.