Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


CNN reporter just interviewed a random black woman walking down the street mid protest in nyc and she slayed pretty hard


You are an assclown.

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I mean, if I’m the prosecutor there I’m either using both ME’s, or more likely, calling Baden, letting the defense call the actual ME, and then cross-examining the hell out of him.

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Two of the officers were fired Sunday after Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and police Chief Erika Shields determined from body camera footage that they had used excessive force.

Pilgrim was released without charges. Howard said Young was charged with attempting to elude the officers, and the mayor has said she’s ordering his charges dropped.


Stay safe dude


So this is next day now and I’ve heard nothing about this, can’t find it in any news outlets. Is this old footage or something?

Fake I think, Burlacher54 is his account apparently.

I know you posted the exchange earlier but after seeing the screenshot, and it not being my mom, my final response would be “Fuck yeah”.

I get really tilted by people who live crappy lives and tell people to live like in the Bible. I am not saying your mother is not righteous but she undoubtedly supports Bible enthusiasts who are actually shitty people.

I see that picture but don’t really understand it. Does anyone have more context on that Atlanta situation?

Awww the gram, damnit. I checked twitter and the account didn’t exist by that name.

From way back on Saturday:


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Lol this is like when the Army asked people to express how serving affected their lives and got swarmed by horror stories

Although it appeared that the bureau was looking for information on violent protesters and outside agitators taking advantage of the demonstrations, many social media users thought that the FBI should be scrutinizing the police as well.

“Here’s some,” Twitter user Jordan Uhl wrote, sharing a compilation clip showing officers attacking demonstrators and driving a vehicle through a crowd of protesters.

I’m no progressive, but certain police departments need to be disbanded and rebuilt from the ground up for their proper mission of protecting citizens. I’d be surprised if there’s a big city police department that doesn’t need 15% of its officers fired. Police unions should be banned, or at least CBAs should be limited to wages and benefits, and any restrictions on termination or investigation of officer-involved crimes should be voided.

Abolishing “police” as a concept is a bad idea, but the slogan is reacting to the fact that a lot of modern PDs don’t really act as police, they’re just goon squads. We should definitely abolish the goon squads and create police departments.


…and the problem is almost certainly worse in smaller municipalities.

Anyone else having issues with this thread or just me? I’m getting some phantom posts at the bottom that don’t load, just a forever-spinning circle.

Jesus mothering fucking Christ what the fuck. They were only fired! They should all be charged for assault and violation of human rights.

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And the “abolish” rhetoric in general is bad communication when what is almost always really meant is to re-start a necessary institution from scratch and rebuild it in a way that actually functions well. But people hear “abolish” and they think well no I don’t really want to abolish the police, so no thank you.