Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

What is suspect? We have multiple videos tonight of cars going quite fast actually running over cops, compared to the video of cops lightly ramming people at slow speeds. Not advocating that police should be doing that but the videos of cops getting ran over tonight are much more egregious imo

For the record, I was a long time 2+2 lurker and saw this sites url as someones location over there and have lurked here the past few days before signing up tonight.

From what I gather the past few days, this is also a left wing echo chamber here but not nearly as extreme as the 2+2 pol crowd is. I lean right, did not vote for Trump, and have no agenda here other than reading some comments and the news updates are nice.

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When Cuse said ‘running over people’ the spirit of the phrase meant everything, like shooting people’s eyeball holes with rubber bullets, even if grievous bodily harm from vehicular assault hasn’t happened yet.

The ‘suspect’ part would be your potential intellectual dishonesty in not realizing this.


No i don’t think that is what he meant at all. he specifically said he has seen at least 5 videos of police driving at people, not sure how you are extrapolating that to include everything else, otherwise it would says dozens and dozens of videos.


I’ll give you some good faith:

Thread: https://twitter.com/greg_doucette/status/1266751520055459847


(She’s alive, so far…)

Now what were you saying about the behavior of protesters being much more egregious?

I’m not condoning running over cops, and that video in the Bx was awful. But like, in the past 5 or 6 days the cops have been egregious in hundreds of situations, probably more like thousands - and those are just the ones we’ve seen. Imagine what they’re doing when there are NOT cameras around.

the only thing I said was more egregious was the use of cars, don’t put words in my mouth. Both sides of this ordeal are getting more and more extreme each passing day and it’s really disheartening. I really hope the police find some way to restrain themselves moving forward considering how they historically react after having fellow officers seriously injured of killed.

Did that guy take a full blast of pepper spray to the face and calmly turn around and take a drag of a cigarette?

What did he do after the tear gas cannister to the face, a sip of brandy from his snifter?


I was thinking it was an inhaler. Shit, something I need to add to my protest list.

You couldn’t resist, you blew it.


“Liberal” MSNBC’s Brian Williams complaining that the 8,000 police on duty tonight on this task force in NYC was clearly not enough. So basically the “liberal” media want the police to beat the shit out of liberal protesters.

Well, gee, with friends like that…


What did that poor guy do to CircusCircus?


An Aussie news crew got caught up in the police attack in DC. They were filming and as the police ran at the crowd one hit the cameraman with his shield and punched him in the face. As they ran for cover one swung his baton at them as well.

There are solidarity protests taking place in Melbourne and Sydney tomorrow.


Is anyone in DC or nearby, or does anyone know anyone organizing there? I would like to get in touch with someone/anyone in that position, and not via the forum.

Are our DMs totally safe guys?

If anyone is still awake, there are still hundreds of protesters - many of them young - trapped in houses on Swann Street near 15th in DC, cops won’t back off and let them out, homeowners are begging for food to be let in to feed them. These are also COVID-19 breeding grounds, but there’s nothing anyone can do about that.

The national media mostly ignoring this is INSANITY. Like this is the largest hostage standoff in the US in years, if not ever, basically, this would be huge ratings. Plus the hostages are the good guys.

Cops fired tear gas into his house at some point in all this.



By the way, if the national media was covering all of these stories properly, this thing might already be over in our favor. If the average American actually knew what was going on to upper middle class homeowners, this might be over already. The problem is getting the word out to everyone while the mainstream media ignore all this and spend 8 hours a day on LOOTING!!!


I wish I could even feel rage as much as it’s all just so fucking heartbreaking sad. It’s a helpless feeling and i can’t see any way to end the oppression. ‘we’ don’t even have a side. The leaders who are suppose to represent ‘our’ side aren’t even pretending.


Given covid I wish y’all could just protest by proxy for us. We are really suffering.


Yeah I keep oscillating between being absurdly depressed and this surreal feeling and having some hope. Ultimately, we don’t have a side, so we’re probably going to be crushed like a gnat.

I’ll toe the line for Biden against Trump but this shit may be the end for me. I mean the wool is pulled all the way back at this point. CNN and MSNBC are totally fraudulent, they’re not covering the news they’re like Police Pravda Light. Watching them juxtapositioned with stuff on social media is like watching Fox News. It’s insane.

And the entire Democratic Party is laying down on the job right now, but like that’s their fucking job. Laying down on the job is their job. Why the fuck am I going to vote for any of them ever again? This isn’t even some rich vs poor like taxes shit, this is just making criminal justice equal and defending against fascism. That’s it. They can’t even get on our side for that, the fuck are they good for? They’re as good to me as Joe Manchin.

Joe Biden is the weakest ass place holder in the world to have a shot at fair elections in 2024.


In every way imaginable. I really feel like this right here, this right now, this is worse than the part after we fall into dictatorship, at least until they round us all up. This little ray of hope, it’s painful to have it left and know what’s coming.