Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

So last night we had a bow/arrow and a katana… What are tonights weapons?

A +1 longsword.


Legendary Enhanced Traffic-Cone (Mastercrafted)


Night before was Lasers, frozen water bottles & paintball guns…

Seems clear to me these protests have been coopted by people mad at anything and everything wrong in society, both politically and otherwise. That includes young people mad at wealth inequality, misfits that are mad at being unable to see themselves fitting into society as it stands, and right wing racists wanting to fight some liberals. And the overall police culture of might makes right and establishing order by any means necessary, even violence, is spurring this on. Tons of evidence that police are agitating and instigating as much as it even more than protestors.

This is a symptom of a diseased society. And the issues go back further than Trump (though he’s been like lighter fluid to many/most) and can’t all be solved with better politics.


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :ok_hand:


Improvised explosive devices.

A mob of angry 5-year-olds.





That’s a terrifying thought that I had not considered. We’re probably not THAT far away from this.

I have one cop friend, Minneapolis PD 1st precinct. I don’t know him well but he doesn’t seem like a great person. Interestingly enough his husband is awesome and like my favorite person. :eyes:

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I think part of fixing cop culture is to do a better job of integrating them into society. They often work long hours, and many have side jobs doing security. All day they are with cops and I’ve heard in many cases literally all of their friends are cops. So its really a lifestyle and not just a job and I can’t see that as healthy.


The guy seems to be a local piss artist, intellectual, Catholic and fantasist. His twitter feed is surprisingly charming. I think in his head he lives somewhere around the 16th Century. I can see him Quixotically believing it to be his duty to protect the things he loves, having a couple of large ones and suddenly finding himself in over his head.


Some militia dipshits were photographed walking around my city yesterday and I posted their photo on FB. One of my FB friends apparently knew them because she said they were detained but released. Some other of my friends mocked and ridiculed them and she talked about how they were better than the protesters because they didn’t need to wear masks. I said they were wearing masks for COVID and then she talked about how dirty the protesters were and presumably never washed their hands so masks wouldn’t matter.

Probably unrelated but I got a call at 6:00 am this morning from a number I didn’t know and some drunk sounding dude left me a voicemail telling me my dog was outside running around and to go take care of him because it was sitting under cars next to my place. My dog was right beside me. I did go outside and check around and saw nobody. Weird as fuck though.

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Those are good solutions too for sure. I’d add demilitarization to my list for sure.

I think the disband the whole force ideas are silly. We need to remember there are lots of functioning police systems in the world. No society can operate without a police system.

Just look at a clockwork orange

Further proof

Average roadside worker fatalities per year from traffic accidents:


2019 fatalities for police officers shot or attacked on duty: 63


Apparently there are about 150k roadside workers and 800k police in America

This can’t be stated enough. It’s an insane overreaction to citizens engaging in legal protest.