Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

From July 9:

A dispute over beer money ended when the two subjects “literally hugged it out.”

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That whole page is funny.

The screaming a neighbor heard coming from a nearby house was actually a man singing while cleaning his room.

Is this real or onion?

The golfer on the sixth green at a local course turned out to be a black bear.

Whoever is writing these up definitely has a sense of humor.

A Columbia Falls man called 911 to report that he did not need the cops at his location — yet.

A Libby man was worried about what he was seeing on Facebook.

A tow truck driver called 911 because he saw a mountain lion run out in front of him while he was driving and he just had to tell someone.

This page is awesome.

A Dodge Ram rammed into another car.

I don’t see where this says it’s a comedy newspaper.

A skier at Whitefish Mountain Resort pocket dialed 911. The man reported that there was no emergency but that there’s “six inches of fresh powder and the skiing is pretty good.”

Man, this is good.

Two Kalispell children were playing with a phone and accidentally called 911. When the 911 dispatcher asked if everything was OK, the children said yes. When the 911 dispatcher asked if they could speak to an adult, the child holding the phone handed it to the other child who made their voice deeper to try and convince the dispatcher that they were an adult and that everything was OK. The dispatcher was not fooled by this trick and asked again to speak with an adult.

Someone needs to make a book out of these.

Someone called 911 because there was someone driving around Kalispell neighborhoods and stopping in front of numerous homes. Law enforcement went out to inspect and found that it was a newspaper delivery guy.

Last one

A Libby youth was trying to escape her home well after her bedtime.


You’re right but it’s protocol 🤷

Is this “stop and frisk” or something else? What do the plain clothes officers do to find people with guns?

In June the NYPD disbanded the “anti-crime” units that were responsible for half of all gun arrests. Last week, cops made just 21 gun arrests, down 72% from same week of 2019.


Lol Yankees fans

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The Staten Island Advance shut down its online readers’ comments at least 6 months ago.




That is a narrow but very significant ruling.



Pretty catchy.


One of the Village People is a cop tho.

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He’s clearly just a stripper.


Instead of lifting your arms for the Y, you barely have to lift a finger.



That’s bullshit.

A good friend of mine works at the courthouse downtown here in Portland (not a thug). He’s been working mostly from home but had to go in today to pick up some stuff for work and he said the inside of the courthouse today at noon still had all sorts of CS gas remnants floating around irritating everyone. Said it made his eyes water pretty bad while there and he had a bad coughing fit after he left, when he got home. And again tonight the protest out front is huge, people coming out again and again getting gassed over and over and no quit. I love my city’s response.



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If you showed me this 6 months ago and said this will be Portland now I’d probably be surprised, and then not surprised.


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Live feed from a guy up front at the fence, feds are coming out soon I’d bet


This shit is crazy. So far this Robert Evans guy has taken a “pepper ball” right to the eye and they just almost directly hit him with some kind of flashbang.