Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

My friends were supposed to be coming to the Citrus Bowl this summer for Def Leppard, Poison, Motley Crue and Joan Jett. They were looking forward to their kind of expensive refund. Stub hub was like butnahhhh it wasn’t cancelled it was just postponed for a year so no refund lolu

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well the good news is like half the people who tried that workout later died from rhabdomyolysis


Yeah I doubt there is a single trumper in the world who could complete that workout. If you work out that hard you aren’t full of hate all the time.

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Wouldn’t this be in ballroom B at some remote casino normally? How is this at a stadium.

Rodman I’ll bet could do it. He’s old but the man is a beast.

There’s been some talk ITT about protest and consciousness raising shirts, and I’d just like to suggest more options. The checks/etc are in the mail/etc… and I’ll soon be in possession of some Daughter-Gear™, which fits these needs perfectly. That’s right, two of our fellow UnStuckers, @chupacabre and @microbet, have artistic daughters, and they have made these incredible shirts available to our aspiring community…

Unstuck Politics T-Shirts


The Gen X crowd likes their hair bands what can I tell you? :man_shrugging:

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Minneapolis seems to be doing something.

I understand this sentiment but a healthier and more egalitarian system would result from examining the privileged old age income security that favored groups have and promote dignified retirement for everyone. Racing to the bottom is not a recipe for success.


This “I can’t breath” symptom of police custody seems to be endemic.

Dear Police,

Stop fucking choking people.


Every non idiot ever


Maybe it is time COSTCO employees start choking people out.



194 dollars in fees is the worst part. Jesus Christ.

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This is widespread. Ticketmaster too.

Will credit card companies do anything here? Would they do a chargeback on something like this?

Someone made a small tweak to that cop yelling at people for holding them accountable



Hahahaha you have to watch this with volume on

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Yeah, this really feels like it’s something that should largely be solved at the local level. Obviously some federal stuff will help (no more giving military equipment, national ban on chokeholds, etc.), but the main changes need to be cities reworking their police departments.

My friend who actually bought the tickets put in a dispute with AMEX today and is awaiting a response so we will see

Haven’t seen anything posted about the Seattle CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone). It seems protesters have completely taken over about 6 square blocks by the East Precinct. Police abandoned the area and the people have set up what appears to be some type of burning man-like community. It’s been peaceful, but I’m not sure what the path forward is here: