Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

We’re on to police brutality.

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You go guys… :beers:

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You forgot fuck you trump! :wink:

Judd Grady lmao

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Riot gear on and they’re worried about some water bottles lol

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Yeah, I joined, and the admin posted the following:

So with the recent activity that has taken place around the county and our country, I have been monitoring a group called “defend East county “. I am proud to see our boys stand up this week to protect “R” town but I believe we may have been a little pushy. Also we protected a intersection but left our old town unprotected other then a few shop owners. Instead of keeping peace a few were stoking the fire. As much as we will never give up our 2 amendment, we can not deny people their 1st amendment. It Does not work both ways. This groups only purpose, will be to aid our first responders when ever needed. This town has seen and experienced a lot over the years from fires to flooding and now a realization that there are people that would love to destroy communities. I am not saying that any of the recent protesters had those intentions, but there are people trying to use them as a way to destroy. So I hope this group can grow to be a positive and not a negative. We will not allow any kind of racism or white supremacy in this group. We are all god’s people and deserve equality and we base our principles on that. hope this work out and looking for any help to make this grow. God bless you all.

So basic right wing claptrap except…they actually acknowledge that some of them were the problem at our town’s protests, which to me is a step forward. It remains to be seen if they stick to the no racism thing, but at least I’m in and watching.


Shlarp Blarpley

The best way to hide as a serial killer is to join the police. The guy looks like he’s wearing a human skin mask.


A crowd of a few hundred had gathered in front of the Utah State Capitol before 7 local time. Not allowed in the park around it but the streets have been closed off so they’re on the street and lawns on the other side, facing the cops on the grounds and on the steps to the entrance to the building, about a hundred yards away. People are close together though most are wearing masks.

I had to detour around them to get back on my normal route across town. There were State Police cars and National Guard Humvees parked in the intersections on the approaches. Two guardsmen with assault rifles stationed at one corner as I rode up on my bike gave me a wave that was probably intended to be friendly but could have been a half-assed attempt to get me to stop. Anyway I waved back and didn’t get shot. They have a helicopter watching everything.

They had sense enough this time to block the lane for vehicle traffic on the road to City Creek Canyon so if they’d had to use it this time they wouldn’t need to do reckless shit.

Oh sorry I got nothing, just a classic name

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It’s pretty hard for this thread to stay separate from the Abolish thread. This is LA? This is the best that lawbro establishment reform has to offer. Deputy Atty Gen for Johnson, Deputy Sec of State for Carter and later Sec of State for Clinton Warren Christopher runs as long and deep of a commission investigating and reforming the LAPD as you could hope - and this is the result.


See that’s what happens when you abolish the police. Anarchy. Dogs and cats living together. Not getting updates on new posts.



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Umm yeah this guy might be dead

Jesus Christ

Sabo-tabby & Sabo… story checks out.


edit- hmm something happened to the thread @anon46587892

How many black Biden voters do you think support these protests or are even out there protesting?

Ffs this below was posted approvingly earlier itt:


I don’t really want to start shit right now itt but that Fred Hampton thing is tilting me and I feel compelled to point out that a whooole lotta wires are getting crossed and you all should maybe prepare a little bit for some thorough, thorough disappointment.

This is seriously pissing me off.

Edit: smacc25 No doxing please.

Um aren’t there 3 hims there?