Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I’m old enough to remember these:




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This is one instance where I hope I’m wrong and hell is real.

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Does anyone know what just happened in Seattle? Apparently on the stage where people were speaking, some guy jumped up there and got naked?

Multi stream for tonight




I’m getting interviewed tomorrow most likely, for a radio piece in Syracuse. My guess is that 15-30 seconds of what I say will actually be used. Part will be about what I’ve done, part about my views. I have some ideas already, but anyone who has like 1-2 sentences they think are really powerful let me know.

A couple things bouncing around to try to actually use this to impact people:

As a white male, I’ve been doing my best to really push friends and family on these issues and bring them around. I’ve been telling white people who say they care about this issue, you’ve got to do more than care. You’ve got to make it a top issue when you decide who to vote for, at the very least. To white people who are scared, nobody is trying to give you less equality or justice, we’re trying to give people of color as much as we already have.

That’s about 20 seconds as a point of reference, and doesn’t include the part about what I’ve been doing. I’ll polish it up tonight. I also want to mention something about letting black people know I care and they matter, at the very least by trying to call things out when I see them - generally on social media but in real life when it happens.


We need prevention rather than prosecution = More aid and support for improvished communities and city’s.

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I think we’re getting pretty damn close to a critical mass of DGAF. People don’t have jobs, the $1,200 is gone, no additional help is coming. The government quite clearly doesn’t care. If you don’t have a job, cant pay rent and are essentially being told to go fuck yourself by every level of government, you’re probably not too scared of the downside.


Yea I was thinking that the other day. 40 million+ are unemployed. There’s nothing else to do and BLM is a good cause to fight for unless you a racist POS. Only thing preventing me from protesting is COVID.


LA Cops living up to their reputations.


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at least the tweet has the right framing of the incident.

Yeah if asked about my reform ideas, I’ll mention cutting funding and redirecting it into the communities that need it most as one of them.

Yeah I think the interviewer is going to be someone I know and a person of color, so I doubt he’ll be pushing me off message but I’m comfortable pivoting back for sure.

Yeah I plan on having a handful of things I want to hit, being happy with any of them being what gets out, and pivoting to one regardless of the question.

Maybe I’ll record my end of it if possible and share it here.


I don’t expect it to be live, but if it is I’ll approach it differently. For sure.

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Not good

So my hairstylist is deplorable-adjacent (vote R, but has been pretty silent this past week, and seems to be one of the people who are ok with the protesting in our little town), and she invited me to a private “defend ramona” rah rah 2nd amendment FB group. She knows I am an outspoken liberal, my FB picture is a BLM flag, etc. I’m going to join, I think. If anything, to keep an eye on them.

I saw one post before they went private and someone posted a Trumpganda pic (Trump on a horse or something) and the group admin told them to stop posting bullshit like that, so who knows…




Anyone else not getting a count of new replies in this thread? I think it might have started after the “abolishing cops” posts got moved to a new thread.


And if you accidentally give a shameless plug for Unstuck, no one would give you too much grief :crossed_fingers:

Good luck brother. You’ll make us proud.


Yes, and when I click back into this thread ot takes me to the last post, not the first unread. Started sometime after the policing posts were moved.