Would it have humiliated King more to lose in a primary or against a Democrat?
ok fixed
that asinine LiStEn tO bLaCk PpL tripe sure is a double edged sword ain’t it?
well the other people were all white so…
I live in the most liberal part of Steve King’s district. Most of the rest of the district is deep red ultra religious territory. Any Dem is a long shot to win this seat, so getting someone that isn’t a nazi is a small victory, but might be the best you can hope for in this seat.
Protest trip report, got pepper sprayed.
Spent an hour driving looking for the group near Chicago, found the 50 person group 2 blocks from an expressway and around 30 police. Stood at corner waving signs for an hour. Then someone suggested we walk toward the highway.
We got halfway there before the police could form their line. The angrier people people cussed them out a while, I was 3rd row. After a few minutes, the cops start chanting “move back” and I got a small dose of pepper spray. After 100 yards both lines halted for a minute. When the cops moved on us again, I was hit in the head with a projectile from the general direction of the police. Left a small bump.
The group started to disperse, I left and offered some commentary to a reporter interviewing someone else. About half the group reformed and walked back toward the cops, I joined them. I then bailed when they issued a dispersal order. One arrest. Pictures are mine:
Probably looking for some vulnerable people to grift
hey looters, there’s a private plane you might be interested in…
I think the lesson is righteous indignation makes your hair grow.
Any word from @anon38180840 yet? Hopefully you are safe. Interested to hear some first hand reports from Philly
Getting worried about cuse. I don’t think anything significant happened with the protests today in Philly.
wat in god
This is just edgelord bullshit. Don’t be so gullible.
So if I find a prominent black author who isn’t all for more looting right now, does that put as at a whitesplain stalemate?
For the record, I don’t have a problem with anything that’s going down. If there weren’t some windows breaking, you’d never get the MSM’s attention. Look at the Women’s March - like 4-5M people - barely even a headline.
But I am saying that I really can’t see a way the cops and you are both correct in wanting more looting right now. Someone’s gotta be way off base and in be careful what you wish for territory. Would you agree on that at least?
Things are settling down in Chicago. A lot less looting on the scanner, protests are breaking up for curfew.
Republicans are mostly fungible. Would you rather have Republicans in Congress be like Steve King or would you rather have them be well-behaved Nazis?