Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


THIS… is what you call performance art

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It certainly has the power to generate awareness. And awareness is what creates change. It’s the POSTSEASON! People just got their sports back. Can you think of a better way to grab national attention than sports teams striking at this moment and in a playoff game no less with teams from another sport doing the same? Who’s not talking about this?

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Just got up to see this (no idea if my pony overslept too):

On his TV show Carlson – who has a long record of making racist and inflammatory statements, triggering an advertising boycott – said that Rittenhouse’s actions were understandable given the violence and property damage in the city.

“Kenosha has devolved into anarchy because the authorities in charge of the city abandoned it. People in charge from the governor of Wisconsin on down refused to enforce the law. They stood back and they watched Kenosha burn,” Carlson said.

He then added: “So are we really surprised that looting and arson accelerated to murder? How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?”

almost the whole entire everything is performative

even the condemnation of the police and the vigilante terrorists for defending property is taking on a weird histrionic edge, somehow forgetting that the legacy of slavery and institutional racism is largely about stolen unreparated wealth and access denial to resources

they’re not even pretending to try to thread that needle

i’ll just quote myself from this thread but beyond that not try to ruin anybody with my pessimism


Funny, I don’t remember seeing any 45 tweets begging the ID governor to let him send in the stormtroopers over this.


That is such a stupid take by TC. If the inadequate response by the government to riots justify the shooter, the inadequate response to the police shooting justify the riots in the first place.

You’re not adjusting for blackness. Riots are bad because black people. The shooter should be sympathized with because white person.



Police chief defending vigilantism saying he was “resolving the conflict”.

Just unreal.



Open carry is the single stupidest idea ever conceived by humanity.


Maybe we should try giving everyone bazookas.

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Huh, that gun only cost $400? The same as an entry-level 9mm pistol?

From now on, when Tucker Carlson says something stupid/offensive, please don’t post the stupid/offensive thing. Post the names of his advertisers.

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He don’t have any left. At least not any that care. He is down to MyPillow, various mortgage/insurance scams and blatantly fraudulent Trump-related scams at this point.

I know we’ve said it a bunch but the ease of ripping off old white boomers is legitimately ASTOUNDING. You piece together some piece of shit ad with a few images of dear leader accompanied by “call now to stop the fake news media from ruining Donald Trump’s heroic leadership” and BOOM a bunch of boomers who haven’t picked up the phone to talk to their children in months are at the ready to fork over their life savings so some amoral grifters can live on yachts.


Open carry is dumber and that is saying something.