Poker News and Live Streams - Ivey wins 11th Bracelet

TV is why a $50 million baseball team in 1990 is now a 3 or 4 billion dollar team

I’m curious what the GG acquisition does for poker coverage.

I play a lot, and follow the big news, especially WSOP coverage, especially the main event.

But I can’t be bothered to pay money to watch the streams. I’m fine reading free updates as they come in.

Meanwhile, compelling poker content has COMPLETELY disapeared from linear tv over the last 15 years.

I don’t know where I’m going with this… I just hope this acquisition makes poker coverage more accessible and relevant to me, and everyone else.

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I can’t imagine GG buying WSOP and keeping coverage behind the pokergo paywall.

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I want to be cynical but I see more upside than downside.

More coverage, more satellites.

Gg is super sketchy. Very hard for me to see how this is good for poker at all.


So Australian casino laws are all State based, and there are wildly different rules in each one.

In Sydney/NSW poker has to be dealt out of a shoe. Made me laugh the first time I saw it, but might end up being the way.

In Perth, we can have cash games and MTTs in pubs and clubs provided a partner charity gets a % of the take.

Its pretty interesting but also stupid.

In regards to GG taking over I believe it is a bad thing long term if/when GG gets the Black Friday treatment online

Don’t Euros do some sort of weird dealing style that approximates this?

Someone knows what I’m referring to, right?

We do this in Perth Australia and all of West Australia (the state)

The style is called “sliding” and as an ex dealer its way easier to learn and keep the card integrity safe than pitching and its not even close. You can even ping out two cards at a time to each seat (which is how PLO is dealt over here).

You dont even need a shoe to do it, you can do it with a stub in the off-hand.

Every American who has played Stars affiliated events in Perth have all said the same 3 things.

  1. Holy crap the dealers are fast/efficient

  2. Holy crap the management rules/house rules are incredibly stupid

  3. Holy crap the locals play bad.

We arrived to find Collopy up out of his seat, telling everyone who would listen the bizarre ruling he was contesting. The clock had been paused as the tournament director decided that they needed to go to the security cameras.

The story goes that Collopy had checked on the river of a 6:heart: 10:heart: 5:diamonds: 2:diamonds: 10:diamonds: board and so had his one opponent on his direct left. Now that both players had checked, naturally, it was time to go to showdown.

This is where things got dicey.

Collopy apparently, according to the ruling by the dealer, mucked his hand.

According to Collopy, and many of the players at the table, Collopy had simply tried to turn his cards over to show that he had Q:spades: Q:clubs:. Considering both players had checked, and Collopy’s opponent had not yet showed their cards, it is very safe to assume that Collopy would never muck here.

The dealer told the TD that Collopy’s cards had landed in front of him face down – which, based on the rule here at Crown Perth means an automatic muck. This rule is regardless of a player’s intention or the best interest of the player.

While the ruling was being made, Collopy was holding tightly onto those queens.

“This is absurd, they are going to have to pry these cards out of my hand,” Collopy said.

Time ticked on, Collopy’s opponent sat there stoically, not showing his cards, but it did seem clear that Collopy had the winning hand.

“Where is Danny McDonagh, his job is on the line,” Collopy said somewhat jokingly, while still fuming and still pacing around the table.

ANZPT President McDonagh arrived and explained to Collopy that unfortunately due to Western Australia’s gaming regulatory body, he doesn’t actually have the authority to make TD decisions.

So with that, Collopy was at the mercy of the Crown Perth staff.

Eventually, Crown Perth poker room manager Deb Wyatt said that she had watched the footage on the video and Collopy’s hand was dead as his actions of moving the cards forward, and them landing face down, was in line with the Crown Perth rules.

This strange rule was explained to the room at the beginning of play, as Crown Perth understands it is not a rule that exists in almost any other poker room in the world.

For your information, this is the actual wording of the rule:

“9.1: Any player at the showdown may pass their cards to the dealer without disclosing them, in such circumstances that player shall not be eligible to win the pot.”

Crown Perth interprets this rule in the way that means Collopy’s hand was dead.

Do Aussies call Western Australia “West Australia” or were you just trying to simplify it for the 'Muricans.

It kind of annoys me that you have a Western Australia and a South Australia. Just pick one way and go with it.

Yes! This is exactly what I was talking about.

One of the cruelest Crown Perth rules is that if you get up from the table, your hand is dead, even if you’re already all-in and your cards are face up. I remember one massive pot where someone not from W-A got Aces in preflop vs Kings, both players showed, cards flipped up on the table, AA guy gets up from the table and does a little 5 second walk behind his chair to take a breather because clearly it’s a lot of money to him, and he comes back to the table, his hand is mucked, pot is awarded to the other guy. Brutal.

Perth was a great place to play poker though. I would have stayed there longer if my working holiday visa didn’t run out.

Could you explain what you mean by this? GG doesnt (exactly) offer real money games to US customers so I dont see how a BF event could occur. Unless the US DOJ wants to go after them for offering real money play in other grey market countries.

I say exactly because lots of US players play for real money through the club gg app. For those that dont know, this is a play money app where people can set up their own private clubs which offer real money games through the use of agents that collect deposits from players and pay cashouts. With the club owners raking hands and sometimes taxing cashouts.

I have friends in the agent industry who say GG has been preparing for months to merge the club GG and regular GG sites. The main change would be consilidating screennames so you have the same one for both play and real money. And also tightetning up the backend and security for club gg. Charging more to run clubs but offering more services.

This is complete speculation on my part but GG might be looking to build market share of US
play money players in case they enter the US real money market at some point. As well as getting the WSOP branding for their online series (which i think they might have previously had) as well as having live poker streaming material is advertise on.

This is pure insanity. There is zero justification for this rule. It’s exactly the kind of thing I hate at local rooms that had one issue in the past so they have created moronic rules that cause more harm than they solve.

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lol hellmuth buying in for min in no gamble cash game with a table full of wild action players. Dude is so bad at poker it’s hard to comprehend.

Seems dumb to walk away mid-hand.

lol ck chainsaw.

He is the most insufferable person in poker. Just straight up awful human. Storms out after playing terribly and throws his mic at the table.

Dude is an actual psychopath.

I’d rather watch him storm out after playing terribly than nice people playing reasonably.

This is goddamn hilarious. Yah the situation f’n sucks, but he’s such a petulant child. He’s got that tuff_fish gene where you’re just funnier when angry than others.

How can the software be that bad. Jesus.