Poker News and Live Streams - Ivey wins 11th Bracelet

Just hoping for a winner that would put the limelight on poker and attract more people to the game. An attractive female winning might do that.

I think CBS has the rights to WSOP, so imagine Foxen winning then editing this WSOP down to a 10-episode run (a la the classic ESPN WSOPs), focusing on Foxen of course, but there have been a ton of crazy hands happening to fill out the footage. I think it would generate a ton of new eyeballs to the game.


I was just typing up the same thing. The 2003 tourney being won by an internet satellite buy-in amateur and broadcast on ESPN had a massive impact on college age males. The fact you could play micro-stakes poker from your dorm room whenever you felt like it certainly didn’t hurt either.

I doubt a woman winning will have anywhere near the same impact or reach as what caused the poker boom, but it can only be good for the game.

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Would those new American eyeballs have anywhere to play?

IDK man I can’t get behind an antivaxer. That shit is really really really indefensible.

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And she and Alex are aggressively hostile about it, too. Retweeted trad accounts and Jordan Peterson bullshit, though she hasn’t been active on twitter in a while.

I kind of doubt it would move the needle much, but it’s certainly possible.

Thinking a woman winning wouldn’t matter is seriously odd. I’ve never heard a single pro or poker journalist argue it wouldn’t be huge.

It would get some women in the casinos for a few months before they wised up and stopped playing

Hilarious but also not surprising that Dnegs gets incredibly lucky to bink the PPC and is still probably gonna end up being down 6 figures for the WSOP.

Also, there is basically zero chance that something happening on CBS sports network will in any way produce some sort of mainstream push in poker. If it was still on ESPN, yeah I could see it happening but on a network that is irrelevant it will do nothing.

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Isn’t he slightly up right now? I guess though he could easily blow 6 figures in the remaining tournaments.

That is an impressive density of bad takes packed into one post.

It sucks that ESPN no longer holds the rights, and yah CBS SN would have far less reach, but I think it’s possible that if Foxen wins it could become a national story and maybe she gets on a few talk shows and things like that. I’m not saying it’s super likely, but I don’t think it’s that far-fetched, and better than another random with 0 marketing appeal winning it for the 15th consecutive year.

What could be worrisome is that outlets like Fox News latch onto her as a “heroine” for right wing rights, but I guess even that would convince some Boomers with disposable income to give poker a shot thinking it must be “easy” if a woman can do it.

Hes down 100K going into today where he has a small stack in day 2 of the 50K.

End of his vlog every day updates his total.

Are they right-wing or just dumbass wellness anti-vaxxers?

It sure seems to me like the wellness anti vaxxer type. someone mentioned she isn’t really active on twitter these days which would go against the right wing nut type

Please, consistently ignorant dude from Canada, tell me what you know about US cable sports networks.


If only dnegs posted his actual win lose every year. Oh wait!

Ah, I’m a day behind, looks like he’s on bullet 3 in the $50K.

That Foxen KK v AJ and AJ hand was a 16bb pot and took just under 9 minutes. Live MTTs are so silly, when will shot clocks be mandatory?

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Kristen doesn’t even play the women’s event because she thinks it isn’t good for the game or some BS.

Even though Alex and Kristen have dialed back their twitter activity this year Alex still has anti vax replies as recently as May.

Also both Kristen and Alex have been banned from multiple online poker sites. Kristen is pretty much universally regarded as the best woman poker player and used to be sponsored by Party Poker and they dropped her.

I can’t root for her no matter how good a women winning the main could potentially be for poker.