Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Yep she is a few tweets away from posting herself in a white hood. It’s incredible how even brilliant people can be fully infected with this crap.

She wasn’t brilliant, she was just good at one form of a game.

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Working on his acting career


I’d never heard of Jungleman before watching the Hustler casino shows. So far, I’ve seen him dressed in a silk robe, as a caterer, and now as a street fighter character.


Before I started watching the Hustler stream a short while ago, I hadn’t really watched poker since maybe 2011.

eta: Other than the occasional Helmuth blowup or something somebody would post.

Jungleman might be best known to casuals for the still unfinished Durrr challenge.

Hell of a start to the show tonight.

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KA-POW!..Down goes Nick!

What was the hand? Nick’s tears are so delicious.

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Nick flopped a low straight vs. Patrick’s 99, and then the turn paired. When the river brought a 9 Nick went all-in and was snap-called.

Nick’s just filling a seat, right? Trying to keep the game going for the stream, because he makes revenue on the stream?

Just sits there and nits it up and antagonizes the methy fish and talks about Italian condiments and accidentally makes straights and loses 800bb pots by defending 53s?

You love to see it.

He legit thinks he is a winning player in this lineup.

Garret talking about how he thinks humans are probably More likely to be wired to be monogamous than not although he agrees it’s complicated. He says the value of a long term partner is just so valuable in modern life as well as he thinks 100k years ago, yea that shit didn’t exist 100k years ago.

Also I find listening to him super tilting, something about his voice

Also talking about reading Obama’s biography and says “I know you don’t like Obama nick”

also nick claiming that he knew after Obama’s speech as a senator and told a friend at the time he would become president…

Now several including garret just lavishing praise on Malcolm gladwell books

Now nick 3 things he liked about trump, that he kept his campaign promises unlike All other presidents, That he went against the grain, and third that everything he did was actually America first in foreign policy etc and that was refreshing

i think you should mute the stream


the 4 OGs from the beginning are 4/5 remaining

Also the stream just ended so YouTube suggested another stream and it’s Live at the Bike from a few weeks ago and it’s amazing the difference between the two production-wise. Holy shit.