Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

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Who is this?

some chinese poker player who goes by Britney and plays on HCL.

Is her t shirt tailored or what

He’s so dreamy. I hope he wins

He should interview himself, then see what happens.


I tried to watch this video all the way through and was not able to withstand the cringe

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That was…something.

this is played here reguarly usually once an hour in a live game but with PLO not NLH rules

Almost asked you about it because one of the replies said it was played in Israel.

it’s usually used like a bomb pot to pay charge/tips. I do know the guy who posted about Israel in the comment. He’s who I imagine when I picture you (he’s a winning huge nit leftist/socialist star trek fan. are you a trekkie?)

Yes, I do watch Star Trek. Even Discovery.

My guess is that players are too loose in early position in this game and they should play even tighter if a time charge is coming out of the pot. Like you should probably fold top pair no kicker at least some of time when first to act.

So can it go fold pot call pot fold.

Or does the first call freeze all action?

If someone bets, you can only call and can’t raise.

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This doesn’t look good for GG.

They’re not superusing at 100nl or short stacking 500nl.

Good to see the same idiot plays by regs havent changed in 15 years, semi bluff raising a minbet OTT with a 5 hi draw instead of calling the minbet getting 19:1to realize their 35% equity.

Can’t see the forest from the trees. Or deviate from the solvers. Or the RTA.

Fish on a heater like I saw umpteen times over months long periods live. Dorks STILL can’t fathom variance.

They just made up out of thin air the player is a negative 50 bb/100 winner off pre flop stats and extrapolated everything off that.

Edit: the 5/10 HH the reg blasts off 6 hi OTR for 1.25x pot when the fish has a 1 card straight to the high end. Lmaoooo. These are some stunning regfish misplays vs a drooler.

Judging by the hands he played at each stake it looks like he moved up from 10nl and blasted his way up to 1k nl and also managed to win a 2500+ runner MTT in the process. Would be one hell of a heater for MoneyTaker69 if legit.

Curiously the only stake in which he didn’t crush was 25nl where his vpip and preflop raise stats are way lower than the stakes he crushed.

MoneyTaker is just Robbi’s online handle, nothing to see here.

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OK, but just ignore the -50 BB/100 stuff. Even if the guy was a legit +20 BB/100, which is probably an impossible winrate these days on GG given rake, it’s STILL an impossible run. He won 77 BIs over 9k and best run is 60 BIs.

I do agree though that most people don’t understand variance. It can be absolutely brutal, especially these days when edges are so tiny.

Ah damn, Mason has chimed in and looks like we can’t have any definitive answers until we’ve all read his new book!

Isn’t what he’s describing though (the luckiest run possible) the exact definition of a statistical anomaly? According to Google, an anomaly doesn’t have to be impossible just occur very rarely, their definition: Anomalies are instances or collections of data that occur very rarely in the data set and whose features differ significantly from most of the data .

What a dunce

I’m sure his chapter is terrible, but now I’m curious to see it to verify just how little it actually has to do with this situation.