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Who on earth is paying for a mouth training site. The casual fans who know him don’t play split games and the good players all know he is trash. Who is the market?

One time I saw Matusow give a minute long speech about how pissed about how the hand played out, he was in position on the river in plo8. Then he checked back the nut Low and the other guy took half with a high that might have folded. So idk how much of a dog Doug can be

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I dont understand Matusow currently. He seems to play some 2/5 and be legitimately upset when he loses.

But has also been playing 10ks. I assume hes staked on the latter and a guy like dnegs is just throwing $ away.

Moron MAGA poker players? There does seem to be niche markets selling overpriced and/or scams to them. Not sure they buy a lot of poker training site memberships though, feel a book would be better grift.

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His name recognition is higher than the training sites have but yeah he’d need a holdem component for casuals, heck his might actually be better for them considering no casual wants to bother with GTO and he thinks more like them.

Also I actually don’t know a site with lowball training stuff offhand but it wouldn’t make money of course.

Matusow would be best off with an OnlyFans (hear me out) style advertising system where people are paying for access one to one.

People arent going to pay for his actual knowledge and insight compared to what else is out there but I can guarantee there is a market for dumb ass poker players who want “validation” but having an established pro agree that yep, that bad beat in a $20 home game really sucked you played the hand well etc.

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Crush live poker has o8 content. He was a split game reg.

I like Bart Hanson a lot over my poker life but if we go to a random bar poker league or $100 midweek donkament and offering 15mins of 1v1 coaching from Matusow or Hanson 95%+ are taking the guy they have actually heard of.

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Ive been on your side with closer to 80/20.

Hole cameras changed the game. If 2003 is shot like 2002, nobody gives a shit. Rounders came out in 99, there wasnt some massive poker boom until the hole cams

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I would say it was more like 99.5/0.5

Without hole cams there is no boom.

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Dude won the biggest online tournment of all time while streaming it on twitch. 2.8ish mil score.


Him and Beiruzy are alright. Not my favorites, but decent guys.

Too bad it’s limited to $50 so not really worth the effort but this is free money.

EPT Cyprus.

At least they put a cap on the rake.

That’s absolutely insane.

Americans who whine about rake have never been overseas.

If it was 5% capped at 300 across the board, I could believe they meant it was capped at 5% of 300 as awkward way of saying $15 max.


Winning players must play for a minimum of three hours at the table; 25/50 and higher limits – four hours of play.

Europeans must be world class shameless ratholers to inspire that kind of rule.

Seems self inflicted.

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I’m going to Cyprus (war permited, i’m typing this from the bomb shelter) but this is their standard rake structure regardless of EPT. I have friends who claim it’s still profitable but I refuse to play.

It is not an awkard way to write $15 max sadly.