Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

threatened with lawsuits but doesn’t believe they’d actually do it is what I figure that means

people play slots to degen, why wouldn’t people watch that stuff. I don’t know how much they actually make though, it’s really no different than watching poker, boring most of the time, but if you get a win/especially a big win you push it hard on your highlight videos.


wow she KO’d him lol

Just lost a £6,000 pot with KK vs AKs all in preflop. Not feeling great tbh.


The guy has let one fish destroy his entire life and cost him millions. So odd.

My favorite streamer (Troydan) went through a period where he was degening on RooBet slots and they were probably the most entertaining content I’ve ever seen. He has a very entertaining personality though and would often say F it and go all in for like 7k on one bonus buy at slots. It’s highly entertaining with the right personality, but I’m guessing Kessler isn’t it.

This is the thing. I dont watch slots. I do watch a few poker vlogs but its mostly for the personalities.

So while i dont know Kessler, nothing ive seen would think he can draw a following without leaning into the weirdness … yeah if you get comped and take people out to dinner and they can all be funny about ordering the blandest food ever … maybe?

if someone was doing that with their own money and the losses hurt then i could see how that would be entertaining but it loses some of it’s steam when you realize they are basically all just freerolling and it’s pretty much just play money to them.

Brewer bubbles the 300k (600k mincash) with AA all in pre for 28bb effective.


lol donkaments

Lol stars these days and all, but Benny Glaser has won 7 WCOOPs this month

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0.00% chance this ever happens.

mike should be quite a bit better than doug in stud 8.

O8 too but limit O8 can be a very frustrating game

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This would actually be an interesting fight. Still think doug has pretty big edge.