Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Where does nicairball get endless money to lose?

It’s got to be family money. I guess it’s possible he ran really hot for a while in soft games and built a huge roll or found some really dumb backers.

Even if you think he’s at least mediocre at NLHE, he was obviously a huge fish in that PLO game plus tilting away money.

Nik was one of the biggest winners on HCL for months and months. Almost overtaking Garrett at some point. Then he went on Doug’s show calling out Garrett and Berkey. Ever since that he lost everything + 700k on stream, another million to Berkey and god knows how much in private games.

PLO game was pretty fun, but I wish they’d just start with 200k. Takes too long to get somewhat deep and not have a couple guys on 50k just ready to jam and turn it into flips with a million side pots.

Right - he was up a ton, but has blown through that in current losses. So either he was crushing off steam, or he’s got to be using non poker/backer money now.

Living off plain bland food and spending your whole life nitting it up to mincash MTTs sounds like a pretty good definition of biblical hell.

So a Philly steak then?

So a meat roll?



First time seeing Nik Airball on a stream. Did not realize he was such a dweeb desperate for validation. Watched the first couple of hours. Play resembled the 100bb buy-in cap games at small stakes with people overvaluing KKxx and double-suited hands that don’t play well multiway.

Joey Ingram comes off as a Jim Rome wannabe with a bunch of invented lingo that isn’t newb-friendly.

“German 2 pair” I think he called it, for top and bottom pair was a new one for me.

He is a lot taller than u expect seeing him slouching at the table. I only watched 30 mins or so but the play was so bad it wasnt interesting

Curious what people thought of Dwan doing a lot of limping preflop.

Is this intentional?

Joey’s a PLO crusher right? I guess he probably has to dumb down his commentary for an audience that is likely new to PLO, but seemed like he was saying a lot of questionable stuff.

Probably optimal when you have a pretty big postflop edge.

What did you think was questionable? I mainly had a problem with him not defining terms the first time he used them, which I thought was unfriendly for introducing PLO to a new audience.

I’ve always thought limping was fine in PLO. Hand equities run together and playability is so flop dependant that you’d want to see cheap flops and then make decisions. Otoh, if you raise pre you can end up bloating the pot and reducing the SPR so much that you just end up pot committed and essentially flipping for heaps anytime you flop something decent.

It was slightly annoying that the commentators routinely missed backdoor out pickups when calling what cards someone needed to river in all-ins.

Yah like a lot of these hands are just getting all in 3 or even 4 ways and unless you have a super premium, you’re not gaining much equity compared with trying to play small ball and getting Santhosh or Airhead to punt on the flop with some dominated draw.

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Some players get annoyed because I limp call with hands they would raise with, denying them the chance to 3bet and make a bigger pot.