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massive pot incoming

I think this forum/twitter has manifested Nate Silver winning

Well he is the best predictor of things in the world. Predicting what cards will flop isn’t much of a stretch.

I still don’t understand the hatred of Nate Silver.


he’s the elections version of a sports pundit who’s always wrong but got one right at the right time with pretty pictures when nobody else was doing the pictures part.


Rigby finding his groove. Just needed a shot or 2 to get warmed up.

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He’s not bad at some things.

But, he’s part of this certain kind of person who feels they have to express their opinion about every major subject on Twitter. And their takes are largely absolutely dog shit.

Statistics? Poker? Sports models? He’s kind of ok! But we don’t need to know his opinion about every issue.


Fair. I don’t follow him.

The real answer is we are all aware we could have built a website to average polls and gotten rich but didn’t like our boy Nate.


Speak for yourself! When someone statistically solves dating, we need to hear about it.

omgomg, Poker Go now

And he calls the turn! It’s Rigby’s world, we’re just living in it.

Rigby with the coach talk, come on man

Holy crap he called the 4d and it came, and I think Lon and Maria both missed it.

wtf is Kornuth doing? Rigby could just be shoving 33 and Chance is flipping.

You have the Jesus on Rigby and you’re both like 3.5 million deep. Just play small ball and let Rigby spew his stack. Instead Chance blows his load on a spot where he was what like 60% equity maybe?

I could be way off here and maybe you just go with it there, but that’s my read.

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It’s such a mental spot though.

I’d be tempted to flat just for pot control against a player who is super wide and very good.

Very good?

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