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I legit don’t think I can name three NHL players.

I couldn’t either if we mean currently playing.

while he was a 3 time all star and a successful player at his prime, he is very much remembered for bringing a hand gun to a locker room to threaten Javaris Crittenton, a scrub player on his team who lost money to him playing cards on a flight.

Bonus fact, Crittenton is now in prison for mudering a 22 year old woman.

Hopefully we can see him lose a pot to Doyle and bring out a gun


I made it maybe half way through. The whole group seems dumb.

The fact that the one finger theory made it so long Without being abandoned is pretty embarrassing.

The argument isn’t really that there was cheating because of one finger. The argument has always been that the hand doesn’t make sense unless there is cheating involved and it’s just a matter of figuring out how it was done, with the one finger theory being the best explanation they can come up.

The dumb argument going the other way is that there wasn’t cheating because they would have figured out the method by now.

There’s massive confirmation bias, where anything suspicious is seen as proof that there was cheating and anything that is seen as normal or at least plausibly explainable is proof of non-cheating.

The default position should be that there wasn’t cheating, though. You don’t need to prove there wasn’t cheating. These people were seriously analyzing decisions of the guy doing the signaling when he was heads up on the River. Why would he do that? Why would he need to be throwing up a signal when it’s his action? Who was he signaling to? It’s fucking stupid. The only thing dumber is the guy who spilled a volume thousand words sharing the account presenting it as if it was some serious crackpot investigation.


She won the hand though, right? She had no choice but to show the hand.

Mason is a moron.

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The guy has fun for sure.


Don’t be this guy:

Just two weeks ago he was a KKv99 away from FT of WSOPE

I hate the but how would his results be without the win argument. If you’re going to do that you would also have to substract all his high roller buy ins too or else it’s not fair to just not count the tourney wins and count the times he didn’t win… I also I hate Allen Kessler. Fuck that guy.

Profit coming from big wins is how tourneys work.

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Not for Kessler it isn’t.

I have played in a live tournament against Allen Kessler
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Totally agree. The question shows how stupid Kessler is and how terrible he is at poker. He has been playing his whole life and he doesn’t understand the basic theory of tournament poker. He is such a quintessential nit. It’s why nits are always the worst players at the table.

Well, I am going to revel in this bet.

This might as well all be in a foreign language