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Fuck Doug, Shaun and Joey. What would it take for them to look in the mirror and ask “are we the baddies?”

Rampage is an entertainer first out of anything, how is taking care of his fans a bad precedent? They aren’t investors.

Danny Negs is the master of this, it doesn’t matter how shitty he does at WSOP, his fans are there for entertainment and if they happen to win money while being part of it, more the better.


do you get mad if somebody tips the dealer $10 for “setting a bad precedent”?

Setting a bad precedent = Slippery slope, and we can’t have those because they’re BAD!

I don’t get mad but yea if everyone tipped 10 a pot there wouldn’t be many profitable lower stakes games and it would hurt the dealers in long run. I don’t think this is comparable though.
I’m also not arguing it’s not going to make him money.
I’m saying if this becomes the norm it’s bad long term. It’s bad for all the other streamers and people
Selling action for sure.

He is “taking care of his fans” by providing entertainment. Having to pay your fans to keep them happy seems strange to me.

Dude went from:


Good for him. Not a fan of his vlogs but i watch Mariano and its super impressive how he went up the stakes. Guys like them and brad owen are worth so much more to poker than shaun fucking deeb.

I was at a low stakes game at aria like a year and a half ago and all the fish at my table were legit star struck when owen and neeme walked in. I had no idea who they were at the time and half the table tried to get photos with them.


I’d want a photo with Deeb but not those scrubs


Can someone tldr this? I’m sure as shit not reading it all lol.

He’s giving out 12k. He sold only 6k of his first bullet and is giving them double their stake.

He’ll easily make that back from new subscribers.

*From the report for people not wanting to read it.

No cheating was found.

Cybersecurity firm recommended some additional security steps which were followed mainly revolving around the production room (adding a wall to block view, only one monitor has access to hole cards which is director).

No evidence was found that robbi and rip or Bryan colluded while in hands against each other.

Think that about sums it up*

Based on the findings of cybersecurity experts, interviews with players, employees and third parties, a review of video of hands played on the show and surveillance video inside the casino and parking lot, no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing related to the Sept. 29 hand was found. That does not mean that no wrongdoing occurred; it means that the investigation failed to find credible evidence of wrongdoing.


did they measure the vibration on the chair?

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$27 million prize pool for this Wynn event is pretty impressive.

Lol garrett

Ya he came out worst from all this which is a huge unexpected left turn.

Who was it in this thread who said the hand itself was proof of cheating? … Curious if time and the investigation have changed minds.

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And turned off comments for people he doesn’t follow, what an asshole

Turns out to be the Elon Musk of poker.