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The pro cheating side is on a complete freeroll since you can’t prove a negative. All they have to do is come up with more and more outlandish theories that can’t be disproven because lol. They’re literally only limited by their imaginations.


Dat hand tho. Calling with J high HAS to be evidence of a criminal conspiracy ffs. :roll_eyes:


At least maybe now people will stop arguing with you.


Dat bulge too. Now I know why everyone always accuses me of cheating.


Yeah that makes that theory very unlikely. They weren’t swapped out at the same time then, I assume? If both decks were mapped in the cheating software they could conceivably have screwed that up in both decks if it was simultaneous and mapped one deck to have two 4h and one to have two 6c. If it happened at different times, then it’s not really plausible and is just a crazy coincidence.

Doug Polk playing on HCL stream today shows you all you need to know


Are we down to less than 50% yet?

Here’s his explanation:

But also, he’s a whore.


Welcome to the forum A-TownBoy! May we expect to be graced with your presence in “About the Forums” soon?

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not only a whore but a huge hypocrite, shills scam crypto products but then also profits by making YT videos anytime he deems someone in the poker world to have done something unethical. hes the worst

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Would you advise Robbi to accept or decline the offer?
  • Accept
  • Decline
  • Not sure
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Decline bc no need to give him oxygen.
Otoh, accept bc I think polk would wind up after saying no cheating.

LMAO… Berkey said he was defending her on stream the other day by saying she’s a novice and doesn’t know what she’s doing and that’s why it’s not as likely to be cheating, and she texted his co-host, “I’m good at poker, you assholes!”

I think polk is basically trolling for clicks and will want an out from this story sooner rather than later.

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She is not handling this as well as she could but hard to be too tough when you are in the middle of the largest poker issue in a decade and your options are being called a cheater or a moron.


As someone said, everyone involved has basically made the worst choice at every decision.


More like moronic cheater or moron, but yeah, those are her options. Or door #3: stop giving interviews.

Another option would be to say she was high.

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