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I’m watching it now and she comes across like an arrogant dbag


I agree. Her and gman have handled this so poorly.

But I am curious when you are done if you still think device cheating is the most likely explanation.

She seems like an insufferable human. Hard to argue against it if we’re judging harshly by her time in the spotlight.

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I think you keep posting ridiculous numbers and acting so confident in something you clearly aren’t confident enough to back up with your money.

Who me? Lol we already have a bet🤷

I’m 99.9% confident in something that I won’t lay the odds to reflect my confidence level. Your white knighting in this thread is insufferable.

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I’ll lay odds. But as I said I’m not a moron willing to give all the juice in a bet. Bets are made by two parties with their own confidence levels coming to agreement in the middle where they each think the other got a bit of an edge. I’d be pretty poor if every bet I made I simply gave odds based on my assessment only, paying no attention to the other side. :grin:

It’s an unusual charge to claim I won’t bet when you and I have made a $500 bet itt on this topic!

Also, it’s now white knighting to be asking people to apply the well established basic rules of logic when making an argument? 🤷

If you mean because I am defending a women then I guess guilty as charged.

The interview makes her look worse IMO. She’s claiming she’s worked hard on poker with two coaches, having started that process during the pandemic, and that her strong results the last couple years in cash games have gotten her staking deals.

She then goes on to argue that she soul read him but even if he had it, she’d run it twice and maybe get lucky. Every definition of “having it” has her drawing stone dead. That makes no sense. She also said she was pot committed once she raised, and his jam was 2.3x pot. So we’re back to word salads.

She’s going with the misread story, too, claiming you can obviously see the shocked look on her face when she turns over J4 and not J3. She doesn’t look surprised at all if you go back and look. She’s then pressed on that, and says that she’s very good at hiding shock when she experiences it, and that she didn’t want to show shock.

So which is it? She changed that story within like 5 minutes, she changed her story on the night in question, too.

Last but not least she says part of the reason she gave the money back is that she felt bad that she won two runouts with a shitty hand. I skipped around a bit and didn’t hear her say it outright but she makes it sound like she’s claiming to be playing professionally, and she’s doing so while giving rebates if she thinks she got too lucky?

Obviously none of that is proof, but she didn’t say anything to lower my suspicions, that’s for sure. Also if she plays Garrett heads up for even higher stakes than they were playing for, she’s gonna get smoked 9 times out of 10.

I saw like 50 new posts in here in an hour and thought something must have happened.


Ya that was super annoying. I think it was phone notifications.

The hand and her actions during and post are the evidence. Whether it’s compelling at all is debatable, but being 99%+ sure either way or whatever numbers are being thrown out isn’t reasonable, which is pretty much what every pro has pointed out.

How does she have a 1080p video setup but poker podcaster looks like something out of 2007?

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Don’t forget his mic sounds like he bought it for $20 on Amazon.

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Basically still just and will probably always remain here:

I dont think she cheated

I think nearly everything she has said after the hand is a lie (most likely to “save” face)

It’s just hard to trust people who are constantly lying

If she just said “I made the worst call of my life and made more than most poker players have in their life” it would be funny and get the right people angry still!


My belief (incorporating my subjective personal reads on her behaviour) is it’s like 99.9% no cheating but the defensible line (based on actual available evidence) is something like 85% no cheating.

Can we ban cw and clovis from this thread?


Especially considering that they can’t even read the cards half the time when the players are rubbing them all over the card reader.


Maybe there is a god. :person_shrugging:this just happened in the $300k.


Man I’d be so full of obnoxious shit to say if I were in her shoes.

Best hand held up! Don’t suck out on me!

Best on every street!

etc etc