Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

I am unversed when it comes to recognizing drug uses. What are the signs she might be high? And why pills and not some other drug? And what kind of pills?

The way she keeps rubbing her nose, I’m pretty sure that the pills she’s on are cocaine, and that she crushed them up and snorted them. That’s how that works, right?

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When I took a lot of benzos I acted relatively normally but my brain just sometimes didn’t work or worked very slowly.

Do we have a local cocaine expert who has admitted to having experience as a user? I forget.

Berkey definitely off the deep end. Watched some of his pod and he called the follow hand more suspicious than the J4 hand - claiming only explanation for the hand is that it shows Rip and Robbi colluding:

Eric opens in EP with AQ. Robbi calls with 76s, another player calls with KTcc and Rip calls from the blinds with A3 with A of clubs.

Flop is 643 with two clubs. Rip leads, Eric folds and Robbi raises. KTcc now folds his flush draw, Rip calls. Forget how hand plays with just Rip and Robbi (but they don’t check it down). A club did hit so KT would have won pot.

Berkey is claiming this was collusion because only way to get KTcc to fold on flop was for Rip to donk so Robbi could raise. He claims A3 should never lead in that spot so only explanation is collusion (yeah it’s a weird donk, but it’s not super crazy with a pair and back-door flush draw to lead on a flop that likely missed everyone else). Also, we’ve never seen Rip and Robbi do anything similar in terms of coordination and all the other theories they are floating is that the cheating only shows ahead/behind - but now they supposedly know they need to get him to fold his flush draw. It also ignores that from an EV perspective, it’s better to have Robbi bet big and the flush draw call. If he hits, you fold but if he misses turn you can bet again and win a bigger pot.

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Before this hand, how did you feel about Matt Berkey?
  • Very positive
  • Somewhat positive
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat negative
  • Very negative
  • I didn’t know how I felt
  • I didn’t know who Matt Berkey was

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lol does kessler usually go that hard?

I reread gman’s statement. I could see how in his head and the way it’s reported now to have played out how it may not have been lying. “she offered” is technically true, even if he left out it was his idea, at worst it is misleading. and in the heat of the moment I understand acting that way.

but now, at this point, no further comments and he still has the money? now I’m starting to have issues. it should immediately be placed in escrow if it isn’t already if he has any integrity whatsoever.

You guys realize NBZ is chainsaw, right?


Would make sense, but he doesn’t whine enough to be complaineSaw.



Kessler is an entertaining Twitter follow because he goes hard at a lot of things.

Like Putin, Gman has left himself with no face-saving way to de-escalate.

I have too much hair and eat too much pork to be Kessler.

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But have you ever inadvertently trolled people by showing up to a tournament on a Sunday drinking out of a styrofoam cup from Chik Fil A?

My two cents (and it’s not even worth that)

Even if it turns out she DID cheat, I think it’s terrible to publicly accuse someone until you have the receipts to show it. It was also wrong to accept money. If anything, it should be held in escrow until an investigation is complete

The only other thing I’ll say is there are far more people who should never serve on a jury than I ever thought


Over billions of hands, everything has happened. Lol


Another recent wtf hand I recall is from Brad Owen. EP opens to like $500 with 54s, Brad shoves for like $11k with AK, second player re-shoves with AKs and EP calls for $5k. Obviously a terrible call and I’m sure he just wanted to gamble, but if you put on your tin foil hat it’s cheating since the call was actually EV+, but only against those exact two holdings (giving two other opponents normal ranges). It was even more EV+ since an A was dead, so he was something like 40% to win (and of course did, when he hit a straight).

People do stupid shit in poker, even for big amounts. Of course this Robbi’s was extra win and for a bigger amount, but it happens.

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Yeah that one is not really suspicious at all. Enough to maybe keep the time stamp in case anything else pops up that makes you want to re-examine it, but on its own it’s meaningless, and in the context of the J4 hand it’s meaningless.

Besides, you could argue the better line to whipsaw the guy is to check to Robbi, let her bet, let KTcc call or raise, then Rip raises and Robbi re-raises. Unless KTcc might just commit stacks with any chips going in, I don’t know stack sizes.

Regardless this one and a few others I’ve seen are meaningless on their own, not particularly relevant in relation to the J4, and you’d need a significant pattern of similar hands over a significant sample to call them suspect.

The best evidence hasn’t really changed or been added to in the last ~36 hours or so.

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thought that was cash and was like wtf til i saw it was a $16 donkament, lol

The casino and HCL want no parts of it. He’d have to have someone like Doug or Galfond hold it at this point. You’d be talking about setting up a committee, and everyone has already given an opinion on the situation so how do you get a nonbiased committee.

I guess you could pick two reasonable people, one from each side, and say they have to agree what to do with the money after the investigation is complete, and give them both access to all available resources and info that comes from the investigation.

But I feel like that’s basically what’s going to happen, anyway, based on Garrett’s reputation.

But this goes to what I said yesterday. I remember that Brad hand. That villain was routinely calling blind, rolling it PF etc. No one is getting mad at that kind of player with that kind of history when they win a hand.

If Robbi was playing like this but down 200k everyone shrugs.

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