Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Phil’s inability to adjust to this lineup is hilarious.

  1. Limp
  2. Reraise
  3. And here’s the key: don’t fold.

Definitely don’t fold pre, but seems post, there isn’t a ton of crazy bluffing going on. For instance the hand where he called Beast with 99 on a KQTxx hand seemed pretty bad (Beast had Q5, and of course got berated by Phil). Beast has been super loose pre and a huge calling station post, but I don’t think he’s bluffed that much.

Also, the over-shoving pre by Phil with his premium hands was horrendous. Don’t give the fish an excuse to fold to your big hands.

He was clearly scared of getting outplayed after the flop, which is pretty funny (and a valid concern!)

Post flop just never fold top pair and don’t bluff. Like the fact that he was thinking long enough with A9 to get into that stupid weird situation is just dumb. If you’re not going with A9 in this game on an A high board, fold pre.

I think the QQ one I saw it’s hard to say cause nobody had anything, if it gets called by like AJ AT KJ 77 etc it might be best if a lot of those hands get away postflop.

On the QQ, I think he went from like 5k to 50k - just make it 15-20k and play some non-scared poker.

Yeah that’s totally reasonable. I’m just saying if someone behind him has AJ and calls and the board bricks out then Phil looks like a genius. But yeah if he makes it 20K and gets a couple calls and just jams flop, that probably has a higher EV. I’m too lazy to do the math right now.

Listening to Phil talk is so cringey. How is Alex this good at age 22 or whatever while mostly playing chess. Also how is chess streaming a thing?

She’s not that good at poker, she’s just a good strategic thinker and the game they’re playing only loosely resembles poker.

sunrunning too with KK twice in the first couple orbits… Then Phil complains about her all-in call so she tightens up while up to a $500k stack. Smart thinking Phil, good job getting some action!

He is just the worst ambassador for poker to the general public on so many regards. On the other hand, if the average person watched that they would realize that any moron could be successful at poker with enough money, point in case this Hellmuth fella.

Yeah he handled himself horribly and was a terrible ambassador on that stream. He’s entertaining to watch in regular televised poker because of his antics, and making poker interesting for recs to watch is good. I’m sure Chamath and those tech billionaire guys enjoy watching him steam when they beat him, but to behave like that with total newb recs putting hundreds of thousands in play is unacceptable.

Would much rather have seen GMan or Antonio or reallyb almost anyone. Dwan seemed to get along with them reasonably well and he obviously wasn’t a clown like Phil.

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Counterpoint: some casuals want a pro in the game they can beat, enjoy beating a pro and that’s basically the exact experience they want. Obviously he’s an asshole, but casuals have a chance vs him

Somewhat ponied by 1 min there.

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There’s a fine line between showing enough frustration to satisfy the rec players’ desire to see you feel pain and whining in funny ways and going too far and making them feel disrespected or uncomfortable. Calling them all motherfucking idiots is nowhere near the line.

I feel like very online streamer types are very used to taking abusive crap in stride, Phil isn’t going to bother them. But a normal businessperson rec will just quit and never come back. He’s such a tool and it’s very annoying to ever see him covered or treated with respect.

Some are going to think it’s funny and enjoy making him go off like that. Others aren’t going to ever want to play with him. He’s in big home games with billionaire recs so obviously some of them like playing with him.

The problem is he doesn’t have the self control to turn it off when it’s even more wildly inappropriate then usual and self destructive.

Knowing very little about chess, chess streams are entertaining. The ones I have watched have usually been speed chess and the stream format is similar to card games like Hearthstone and poker where the streamer has a casual chatting style intermixed with moments of pausing and discussing strategy at decision points.

I think she is a legit chess wizard too. Has over a million followers or something. She is obviously super intelligent.

She did some pretty smart stuff, well beyond the obvious. Three betting, some good calls, etc. obviously ran great too. But she seems as good as most midstake vloggers that I’ve seen.

There’s no way Phil is this self-aware.

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Why are people saying Alex is 22 or 23? She was born in 1995.

In my room, if you get to showdown then table at any time, your hand is live. Including pulling cards out of the muck.