Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Oh wow.

the way Phil is legit steaming over being down 50k is not the behavior of someone who is worth 100M


especially in like the most stream in forever when you should be absolutely congratting any one that beats you

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The best part is this is the perfect table of people to needle Phil while he is steaming.

You ever seen Phil congratulate anyone for beating him? Guy is the biggest tool in poker and an embarrassment for the game. Angle shooting a bunch of recs just having a good time and then berating the only woman in the game (a 23 yo at that) for making the correct call. Just fuck off forever please. #POSITIVITY!


I thought the same thing. He should have jammed that A6hh early on.

The ace high call earlier on the flop shove should have clued him in that she has good instincts minimum.

Phil wins the minimum, by playing that about as bad as possible.

And then he takes down a piddly pot for a few K and won’t show. Too perfect.

The rest of the table is doing 50k flips and having a great time, while Phil value bets for 5k on the River and is miserable.

He plays with Keating and Mr Beast in NL cash in the bay area all the time apparently

No wonder he thinks he’s so good at NL cash

loled at the VPIP: Beast 85%, Alex 60%

Please let Alexandria stone cold bluff Phil straight into the fetal position.

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and here is the hand I was expecting when they introduced the 72 bounty

and Dwan was the won who profited…

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Not likely, she would have to miss a flop.

wouldnt surprise me if Keating ends up the biggest winner

3 people in for 800, Phil gets AK and raises to 50k. Everyone at the extremely loose table folds.

these two posts I agree with and are highly correlated

Was an hour behind, took me this long to catch up. WAY crazier than I was expecting. Phil should not have been invited to this game, berating that A9 call was amateur as fuck.

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Hellmuth just doubling down on why he shouldn’t have been invited

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It wasn’t an angle.

With that said, Phil killed the vibe and shouldn’t be in the game. It’s a strong call and I doubt he’s that aggressive in his belittling if it wasn’t a girl.