Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

if thats a 300k watch someones getting away with highway robbery in my opinion

shrug. my phone tells me the time.

If it’s a Patek then looks like a Grand Complications for that shape and price point. Might be a minute repeater. It’s definitely not a Nautilus which is the popular model. The pricing thing is dumb though because Nautilus retail starts at like $30k, and yet it’s impossible to get the green 5711 for less than ~$300k because FLIPPERS and gray markets.

Obviously the prices are stupid but some of the grand complications are insane to produce due to the special tooling and processes required, and they’re manufactured in extremely limited quantities. Here’s one with a world time combined with the minute repeater. I’m linking you just the timestamp to the technical aspects of the movement:


im a watch geek, seriously, ty for the link


I don’t know much about watches, but can I assume that any quality watch will keep perfect time, and that the high prices are simply
a function of materials, design and appearance?

If you want to see possibly the best rungood ever, watch the HCL stream from last night. Rampage with the ultimate sun run. Really kicks off at 2:32:00, and continues for the rest of the stream.

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To get around the paywall:

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Sagbigsal sounds like the nickname of a elderly, Mafia hitman.

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So she’s lying again about the phone records, shocking development!

Why is she supposed to turn her phone records over to a newspaper

Does Garret have any evidence that the newspaper has followed up multiple times with no luck? Or does he mean that he’s followed up with the newspaper multiple times, and they’ve ignored his pathetic ass requests?

Yes, he quoted the article that said they attempted multiple times.

Thanks. I don’t have a twitter account, and it blocks me anytime I try to dig into a tweet or scroll responses.

Interestingly, it looks like that paragraph may have received an update.

Later that week, she invited The Times to a meeting at Hustler with her, Gualotuna and High Stakes Poker Productions co-owner Nick Vertucci to discuss the Sagbigsal case. Afterward, she said on Twitter and on a podcast that she had turned over her phone records to the newspaper; The Times did not receive any, despite repeated follow-up requests in the last two weeks. Late Thursday afternoon, Lew sent a Times reporter an email with her AT&T log-in information.

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What if she’s just a ditzy woman who says she will do things and forgets, procrastinates, and otherwise doesn’t get around to doing things that she intends to do when she says she would?

It’s probably hard to concentrate with a jackhammer in your privates.


You get used to it.


She’s not, but she’s saying she has as some sort of “proof” that she has no ties to Sagbigsal, but the newspaper is like, “Uhh, you didn’t give us those!”

This is the second or third time she’s claimed to do something that would prove she’s not in cahoots with Sagbigsal, moved opinion in her favor, then it comes out a week or two later that she didn’t actually do the thing and the people arguing her side are like, “Well what are you gonna do? She’s a habitual liar, but that doesn’t prove anything!”

It’s the second and she ended up doing both. Just not on the timeline some people wanted.