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Yes, the false claim remains, but the refutation is right there with it, isn’t it? This seems better than removing it.

Sure I could accept that, although I still think removing it is best, however he immediately followed it with several posts about how because Rast is Rast it still holds weight as a source of truth and immediately shifted from “there was no draw” which is what Rast stated to “maybe the draw was rigged”.

As I said this is exactly how conspiracy theories work and how false information burrows it’s way into the zeitgeist.

The next day, we have Bruce posting “even if it’s incorrect” as if there is still some doubt.

In a shocking twist, we see yet another example of how huge swaths of people will twist themselves into a pretzel to defend their guy/team/ideology. People are people.


Whether or not it is correct is irrelevant.

If only we didn’t have mountains of social science and psychology research clearly demonstrating the opposite.

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation

Posting contrary opinions about this isn’t going to lead to the downfall of Western civilization.

It seems like Rast is wrong, but it’s not like he was just making stuff up.

Unlike the MAGA subhumans who keep crying about the 2020 election, there’s at least enough out there for people who I think are wrong to plausibly believe that Robbi cheated.

The next step is for you to track down Bill Klein and ask him if he really told Rast that they didn’t draw for seats when Klein played.

FWIW I’m pretty sure I agree with you, I just don’t care that much and am not paying very close attention. But as I understand it, the seat-selection thing isn’t an opinion, it was a statement of fact, and once corrected it should be deleted.


The more I think about it, the sadder I think it is that Robbi is being looked at as a possible cheater, her pants are being Zapruder filmed, and HCL is conducting investigations when she almost certainly just misread her hand, made a terrible play, and got lucky in game that involves a lot of luck.

It’s like nope, let’s pretend we’ve never heard of Occam’s Razor.


I’m sure Klein told him that, but he took that bit of information - that for one stream they didn’t draw seats and jumped to the conclusion that they didn’t draw seats for this stream. I guess that’s possible, but again like 5 minutes of research would have proven that false. He spent more time writing his detailed tweet thread than it would have taken to find out that they 100% did draw seats for the relevant stream. If you’re going to post as an expert on the cheating scandal and make brand new allegations, you should have some obligation to check if those allegations are supported.

What he posted wasn’t even actually what he had heard. If he had said, I heard in past streams they assigned seats - that would be ok - but instead he posted that he heard in the relevant stream they didn’t draw.


Fact-checking worked out great for Pinnochios and Verrit, we should hire more mods so we can subject all posts for review and possible deletion.


Need every post to have a verrit style verification code.

How many followers/ views does it take to start monetizing a tiktok account? [Asking for a friend]

Lol, no idea.

tiktok is notoriously hard to monetize - 5k on YT is roughly equivalent to 100k on tiktok

Not what I said. I said he has a good reputation and is in a position to hear things that are relevant, and the fact that he’s saying that at all is noteworthy. He’s now clarified it, and it seems noteworthy that someone with afaik a good reputation in the community who played in a prior stream with her is saying that in public about the prior stream.

But I haven’t gone back and looked at that seat draw yet, I’m sure someone will.

Also not what I said. Paraphrasing, “This should be set aside unless the investigation turns up anything related to their specific seats,” is a far cry from “maybe the draw was rigged.”

Anyway, you’re just making up lies about me at this point to make me look bad. I added an edit to the initial post about the seat draw that made the facts clear, I’m not trying to spread false information.

But you’re still out here comparing me to Giuliani and MAGA, after previously comparing me to QAnon and calling me a conspiracy nut. Stellar work, Clovis.

I think you need 10K followers from TikTok to get money out of the creator fund, which pays around 3 cents per 1,000 views. So it’s basically worthless.

You could theoretically monetize from sponsors, promotions, etc, at any time. Having never had any offers on that front, I have no idea when it might start. My guess is around 100,000 followers.

Garrett apparently donated the money to charity. Now it’s going to be a shit show if the investigation clears her. He issued a statement basically doubling down.