Poker Hands and Strategy

Omaha noob here, but it seems like an easy hand, and you played it fine (ETA: Idk about pre). Imo unreasonable to fold the turn since you have direct odds against 56 and you could have the best hand. The river afaict is 500 to win about 1400. This is not close to the worst hand in your range, so you should call.

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Opponent dependent but

  1. I would probably fold pre in most games were I wasn’t the best player at the table or at least the best player still in the hand. It is a hard hand to make the nuts or even a hand where we can confidently get multiple streets or induce from bad opponents.

  2. As played I wouldn’t pot the flop. I’d usuallly use a 25ish sizing into 40 to give yourself a better price on our bluffs and random stabs when checked to.

  3. Turn is good. River is just shrug and basically you can do either depending on opponent. I’d probably lean a fold at these stakes vs most recs though. If I fold whinge about how you never hit draws and don’t tell them you actually could fold this hand since it’s pretty much the top of your range as played.

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Got bored and ran it through odds oracle. If he has [J-7]99, 865, and 654 you’ve got around 33% equity on the turn. As soon as you start adding stuff like T986, T876, JT87, JT98 you start getting up around 36+% so I guess calling the turn is correct. Then it’s just a question of can he follow through on brick rivers with enough air? I started picking combos out of the air that he might limp in with and get to the river with this way and if his range is something like: [J,T,8,7]99, 9865, 9765, 7654, 6543, 6542, 8765, 8654, 8653, A654, A653, A765, A865, JT86, QT86, AT86, AJT8, QJT8, KJT8 then you have around 27% equity which makes it roughly a breakeven call. Obviously it changes if he’s not playing all the rainbow/ts/qs versions of these hands but as a rough approximation that’s how much he needs to be bluffing for calling to be good here.


Fold pre.

Standard I’m an omaha fish disclaimer. Other than pre (don’t see why you are playing this hand) you don’t have any choices until the river.
I wouldn’t bother with specific range in a limped pot unless the player is better than your average PLO player who would limp with infinite amount of hands.

Some white magic nonsense - I don’t see any standard plo live players value betting worse there (at least not with the small c/r flop and pot turn). The only ‘reasonable’ bluffs I see him having is some mini wrap that improved to a club draw too (something like AJT8cc). I don’t think there’s enough of these + enough of him bluffing it. I might end up making the call because folding is really hard, but from here I fold.

ETA - I missed that you said he’s the best player at the table. I’m probably even more inclined to fold now because he can’t be expecting you to be able to fold the river to these odds.

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The hand is playable at a limpy table, especially if you know how to fold sets, and a fold at an aggressive table where you can reasonable expect at least one raise behind you.

Middle set is a read-dependent situation for me. I might call down, three bet the flop, or fold the flop, depending on who I’m up against. I can’t answer this question without knowing his check-raise betting patterns.

I probably bet smaller on the flop. My results have gotten better since I stopped betting pot on most flops.

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All the folding pre arguments are odd at a 2/5 plo table with effective stacks more than 200BB.

It’s obviously bottom of my limping range but pretty clearly in it some percentage of the time.

I folded river after he said he would show. He did and showed 56.

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i don’t see how the deeper stack helps a hand with very little nuts equity. I doubt you win less money if you fold these hands pre


Because 7 of 9 players at the table will happily ship 200BB with a draw, two pair or bottom set. :grin:

If this was one of the other players that was villain I play my middle set way more aggressively.

Two guys got it in for 350Bb total last night preflop with 6710j one suited vs A1089r

people playing super loose and apparently aggressive isn’t a good incentive to play bad hands prefop imo but you know the field better


If the field is playing 80% vpip and willing to stack off light you are insane to play only 20%. You are leaving mountains of money on the table.

It’s a reason to play more nutted hands rather than stuff you can cooler yourself on. It’s also a reason to isolate the bad players, not limp.

Advice here was good, think villain betsizing otr was bad and just crying for a call.

i would guess that he’s also very unbalanced with the flop c/r sizing too

I don’t care about having the nuts if my opponents will stack off with the 5th nuts. All having the nuts does is put me in less decision spots and reduce my variance. I am a better player. I want decisions and I bankroll manage so don’t care about variance.

Playing only nutted hands in a game like this will leave way to much money on the table imo.

I think his c/r size was specifically meant to target me. He sizes differently against rest of table I think.

What do you think the ideal VPIP is at that table?

I don’t have a set one as it changes with table flow. Last night was very very loose. I was playing something like 35-40% vpip. Field was playing north of 60 with a few 80ish. Most pots were 5+ to the flop. There was a 200+BB pot every orbit and many 400+bb pots. By midnight there was something like 30k on the table

I’ve read this multiple times and I still don’t understand it. Why would we ever not be playing a nutted hand?

Thank you for posting this. Made me miss poker for a second.

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He is saying if your opponents are loose you need to play tight. He is right except the word should be tighter.