Poker Hands and Strategy

I have no idea nor do you. I don’t know either real stats. If I had to bet my own money on who has a higher bb/100 lifetime rate I’d snap ship my net worth on dwan.

Obviously this.

Lol at reading Phil’s biography.

I’d put Negreanu over Hellmuth tho it is peculiar that you would pick him as an example as he made it big by crushing the same weak fields that Phil did.

He’s definitely a better all around player tho. Douche factor is negligible.

That is not correct. Negraneau was a fixture at the highest cash games for his entire career. Hellmuth never sat in the big games ever to my knowledge. He never played Bobby’s Room.

Fair point on cash games tho I’m not sure that Bobby’s room means anything other than proving how risk averse Phil is.

There have been tons of whales in that game.


And Phil doesn’t even really like cash games and knows he is a dog in tougher lineups.

If you enter the average $1k MTT in LA or Calgary or Florida like 5% of the people in the tournament will be able to calculate pot odds quickly. I think the pandemic has made people forget how soft live poker is.

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He definitely tries to set mine and pull his tight as hell persona for some random bluffs. Tournaments you can just win a few hands in key spots and win or be in the money several times even though they were horrible plays.

I honestly discount any evaluation of Phil that doesn’t admit he was ahead of some concepts at one point. Specifically playing short and exploitative folds.

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Is it really being ahead of the curve when it’s mostly just morons blasting stacks for no reason and him not doing that?
It’s funny this discussion began on him punting a stack, but one of his biggest skills is doing that very rarely.

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When you have that many bracelets yes.

Remember the iteration of poker when push fold was like 15 bbs?

Especially calling and folding in the bb.

I’m also pretty confident that, at one point, Phil was ahead on exploitative AK folds that are now standard gto folds.

Back in the early days of Ultimate Bet tourneys I watched MTG(?) just steal everything and raise the blinds from any middle or late position with any two cards and play aggressive and realized how dumb playing that tight is in tourneys with rising blinds. You can’t keep up waiting for hands and Phils of the world sometimes catch several hands or clutch it out but it’s not a great style imo. You are usually hoping to get in the money then in my experience. He’s won bracelets so I guess we are wrong.

Deep stack different obv.

MLG I think.

There were several iterations where it changed back and forth.

One of the upswing coaches did a really great piece on blind vs blind play a few years back and discussed the ebb and flow. Mentioned Hellmuth which is why I remember.

Either way this is way too many keystrokes to spend on the brat.

Not even sure why I’m digging in on this one lol.

The only $1k I ever won live was because on the bubble I got lucky where every player at my table was below average so I won every pot for an hour until the bubble burst and became chip leader without seeing a turn.

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I’m just excited that they are running cash games in rural Northern Arkansas.

Guaranteed to be legendarily soft. 2 months for me to get rolled up and expect to hear some juicy trip reports.

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How many requests did you field for chops?

We chopped HU tbh, other guy was decent and we played for like $5k and the ring and it still took like 3 hours. Wasn’t brought up beforehand. Guy who got 3rd was in his 80s, was happy for him.

In the semi annual $300 bounty turbo locally ~7ish years ago there was a 16 way chop.

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My good buddy was like employee 5 at neteller when they had their office above the restaurant here in Calgary. Good times.

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Thoughts on this hand?

1/2/5 live PLO. I’m winning. My image is strong. I have about $2k in mp, villain has me covered in sb. Villain is best player at table. Better than me for sure.

$10 button straddle is on.

SB/villain limps. Another player Iimps, I limp with QcJc77. Goes to flop 4 way.

Flop 973 one club.

Villain checks, limper checks, I bet $40. Button calls, villain check raises to $100. Limped folds.

I should,

Fold (lol)?

I call. Button folds.

Turn is 4c. Villain pots!

I now have set and q-high club draw.

I should,


I call. Turn is Ks. Blank. I lose to overset or 56.

Villain bets $500.

I should,

Raise? (Lol)

I’ll admit I just started playing PLO in the last few months and I don’t really play live so maybe it’s different, but… fold pre? I guess if nobody’s raising you can kind of get away with overlimping but then you just get into shitty spots like this because your hand can pretty much never make the nuts short of a straight around the QJ.

As played, it depends how bluffy this guy is. You said he’s good so I doubt he’s ramming and jamming with 333 here. Given that he limped I would assume he’s going to have a bunch of wraps plus some 99 combos. The question is will he keep ripping it on turn and river with JT8/T86 type stuff and/or blasting off with like 976 or 975 holding the blockers to the main sets and the straight? I assume he rarely has KKxx here so the K on the river doesn’t really matter.

I’d consider reraising on the flop to charge all of the wraps but I would probably end up just calling because if I get 4bet I have no fucking clue what to do. Turn, like you said 65 gets there and who knows how much of that he has. You pick up the flush draw but it’s also not always going to be good when you get there. If you call this turn then I think you pretty much have to call this river unless you were calling turn to try to boat up or drill the flush. Readless I probably just fold the turn because I’m a nit, but I also would’ve folded pre and not been in this spot in the first place lol.