Poker Hands and Strategy

Im guessing Aof is a boss.

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I am salivating at the idea of getting back to live play.

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Me too I really miss it. Our rooms opened a couple weeks ago but seems like suicide to be playing live.

Because their fundamentals are awful. There are plenty of truly awful whales at .25/.5, .5/1, 1/2 etc. You can table select a little or only enter the zoom pools are certain times, but the games aren’t tough.

all my friends say I would crush way more on bros/ignition/gg, but I get ~5k usd a month in rb on stars and don’t find the games tough.

Wow you must play a shit ton of hands.

I moved somewhere with good live games and got two nice sessions in before COVID blew up. I just played online for years before that so I’m fine with sitting in my room, but I’d really like a vaccine soon plz.

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Stars has a 4 reg tbl max so its 4 regular tbls and 4-6 zoom tables depending on the pools at the time, 3-4 hr sessions.

Shorthanded o8 is all about aggression imo. You want to always be the one betting not the one calling except in very specific circumstances (like where you flop the nuts or a very strong hand on a dry board and want the other guy to hang themselves). The biggest mistake people make is folding hands with equity getting significant odds in these games. By being the aggressor you get a lot of (especially tournament players) to make this mistake.

My guess is you are folding/calling more than you should and leading/raising less than you should.

I’ve played millions of hands of lo8 and melted 22 brains with my lo8 stats years back:

I don’t want to link to 22 but that thread I posted that in is full of 22 people claiming the game isn’t beatable. If you search my username in the o8 forum you can find it. Thread is titled “long term limit winners?”.


This is a very good point about aggression.

I wish i had my old lhe stats from 5/10 and 10/20 6 max circa 2009. I was beating those games at an insane clip for how much of a lagtard I was.

I’m definitely passive in O8 because most hands really suck and I have no idea of the relative hand strength of the cards I’m holding, especially when i’m heads up.

There’s an OOT horse game I’ve been running, if you guys wanna play it’s pretty fun.

Stakes? Is it raked?

3 handed a hand like aj85 single suited is a monster. At full ring it is basically unplayable. On the button 3 handed i would be raising at least 60%

$25 WTA if less than 5 players, if more than 5 but less than 8, second place gets their money back. No rake

If more than 8 - that’s never happened so idk. Tournament typically takes an hour and a half.

I never quite figured out how to play in a loose shorthanded O8 game where you have a lot of four-handed flops at a six-handed table.

6 handed obviously you must tighten up some. Position, as with any game, matters a lot. One thing that is true about o8 is that people are drawing at a much higher frequency than any other game. Calling that last bet with one pair when you miss your low is a really hard thing to do. I guess what I am trying to say is there are boards you should always be barreling imo and super wet boards with a low you never should be. Going bet/bet/bet and scooping a large pot with nothing when the opponent misses their low is glorious. By expanding your raising range you also don’t fall into the trap some do which is to only raise a2/aa type hands. If you are this type of player you are super easy to play against post-flop.

All high hands are great hands to raise with. They will assume you have a2 and when the flop rips qt9 many will assume the raiser missed.

I expand my raising range in late position and limp my premium hands more in early position. My opponents seem to get annoyed by this and end up tightening up on their flop bets and letting me see free turn cards more often.

I think I get into problems where I might be too tight in making an overcall on the river with one pair or an emergency low.

If we are talking limit then you often times are getting 10-1 or so on a river call. You need very little equity to call there. Folding winners/half pot winners on the river has to be the biggest leak in lo8.

At higher stakes LHE I always felt those were really tough spots getting 10-1 or better on the river but facing a bet where you literally only beat an extremely weird bluff.

Sure but in LHE calling off with 4th pair is standard vs one opponent and one bet right? In o8 a ton of hands firing away on the river literally don’t have pairs in them because they are drawing for the low and would have played the hand differently if they paired their two low cards. A2xx on a low qualifying board sans counterfeiting doesn’t make two pair often at all so calling with mid/high pair vs one opponent getting that price makes more sense than it seems.

Oh yea I used to snipe people with king high sometimes.