Poker Hands and Strategy

I think I do okay at making crying calls when the pot is heads up. I think I may fold too many half-pot winners when a player who has been check-calling all the way suddenly leads out on the river, another person calls, and I have a hand too weak to bet if checked to with another player left to act behind me.

On the other hand, I feel comfortable with my ability to pick more good spots to bluff than other players, although I am not great at turning hands with showdown value into bluffs.

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Postle suing everyone


Wow he is legit insane. Imagine doubling down like this.

dunno if anyone cares but here’s some STATS

September ignition/bovada tournament only results
114 tourns played from 5-55 buyins
final tables 1
wins 1, a $5 for $343

31 ITM%
35bb/100 (this includes three or four punts I lost being slightly chip -EV but they were all massive pots so I went for it)

for a total profit of $40 and ROI of 3.4% $/hr = LOL

this is really dumb

don’t really wanna fire 500 on that big tourn of donktards :/

Good month though it’s just tourns are too hard. I don’t get how people do tourns on this site day after day after day.

Isn’t this standard Trump101: A forced out-of-court settlement by ESPN to avoid bad publicity, and he walks away with a few hundo/millie?

Trump rarely won his court cases, he just was good at stiffing ppl for amounts it isn’t worthwhile to try to claw back legally.


I think it’s pretty safe at 2/5 but good point.

the ridic thing is that he’s got a decent chance of winning that case (at least he isn’t paying the lawyers but the listed defense is gonna have to pay a lot to defend and that’s if they win)

I know which is nuts since he 100% cheated.

Im guessing he’s just trying to bury the issue/silence the detractors. Lawyer gets some good advertising.

Maybe even force some apologies. If you have a poker podcast and you talked about him cheating are you going to stand your moral ground if he can threaten you with the cost of litigation?

Bombing limpers who refuse to fight back and resort to trying to shame you out of stealing their hopes of hitting the high hand is pure bliss for me.

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I will set traps to people who like to punish the limpers, forcing them to rachet down their aggression. I am not fun for aggro players unless they just like the action and don’t care if they win. They seem to dislike having to worry about being trapped or check-raised.

The bliss you get from making people mad that you are stealing so much is probably the same bliss I get from inducing someone to whine that I should bet my hand after I snap off his nth bluff.

I employ the same strategy and will limp big pairs against people who bomb limps too often. Bombing was not working for me the last few sessions, but in one of them I was to the right of a habitual bomber and the immediate left of a guy who was playing back at him every time. Huge opportunity to print equity. Bombing limpers is great when the play is there, but I’ll abandon it if it isn’t working.

What’s great about trapping someone preflop is that eventually they get cowed and you can set them up for a limp-reraise bluff (or keep printing money if they don’t adjust). I’m mostly nitty with an occasional move thrown in. Getting show a bluff (or even better, a suckout) by someone they pegged as a nit throws some players way off their game because they start doubting past decisions. I don’t think this sort of tactic works well against someone with a HUD, which one reason I don’t think online plays to my strengths.

My regular casino has a tighter, more passive pool than average, so I don’t try to steal preflop pots too often. If I do it too often, they will tighten up eventually, so I try to do it with a frequency that won’t change how these guys play because I do well against them playing post-flop in multi-way pots. Plus, a lot of them will limp-call with hands like AK and if I am too aggressive, I end up value-owning myself.

Interested in c/r bet-sizing here. What does my hand range look like? (In both cases, villains are sophisticated enough to think in terms of ranges). Actual hands intentionally left out for now.

Live 2/5

Hand #1

UTG opens to 20. CO and BU call. Hero calls in BB.

Flop is A :clubs: J :clubs: 4 :diamonds: (Pot=80-ish)

Hero checks. UTG checks. When he checks, he always has either a hand he gives up with or a set. CO checks and has the body language of someone who has given up on this pot. BU is a 30-50yo Eastern European woman who bets 65.

Since the other two players seem checked out of this hand, hero sees no reason to slowplay to let them catch up and decided to min-checkraise to 130. Villain calls.

Turn: 6 :hearts:

Villain (EDIT) Hero shoves for 300-ish effective into a 340 pot. My flop check-raise size was chosen to set up this situation of not quite a full pot-sized bet.

Hand #2

Player limps. Smart LAG who has been running good raises to 20. I call in the SB. BB calls.

Flop is 9 :diamonds: 8 :diamonds: 7 :diamonds: (pot=80)

Checked around to the pre-flop raiser who bets 40. Once again, other two players seem checked out. Hero check-raises to 125 villain calls.

Turn is A :clubs:

Hero checks. Villain bets 150. Hero check-raise jams for about 500 effective.

Bovada milly today for fans of playing vs 86 VPIP donks for lots of money.


i think notbrucez posted a tweet with pics from this live event in the covid thread but LOL not only is it a live tourney during covid (it was near me) but the organizer had some wild idea of paying people in precious metals and them being able to sell it back and get cash right away to go around state laws where a charity can only pay $1600 max in cash for one of these events. The players weren’t told about this payout method and their plan didn’t go as planned so players might’ve been paid out in silver coins that the organizer purchased at $11 per ounce over current value and now they might get fucked and have to sell it on their own for the actual value. There’s pics of people holding bags of silver coins as payouts lmaooo

Lmao, pretty sure I know the silver dealer in that article. Sounds lien it was a profitable day for him.

YO going live streaming some NO LIMIT TEXAS HOLDTHEM

mod note: I won’t be spamming this any more after today, just trying to get a few unstuckers on there to tell me what I’m doing wrong