Poker Hands and Strategy

I’ve seen lots of people double check trips in this spot they love to trap. And they’re using the same faulty logic that you are (I’m not getting called ever cos I look so strong etc).

Bruce double checks a 10 there 90% of the the time.

tbh i don’t see this as being the reason to bet. i think the reason would be to get more value out of draws that are gonna try and hit so they can ‘stack’ me as i look strong

we’re playing fairly deep so they might consider their draws more valuable and hence why i should bet.

They didn’t double check though right? You raised pre, they called and then you cbet flop and they called again. They could definitely have Tx in this spot, or random flush draws/str8 draws/whatever. I agree with geewhysee; in this spot just keep blasting and hope one of them has a T or a stubborn pair/draw and lets you take them to value town. It certainly looks strong to take a bet/bet line on this board against a million opponents but they’ll probably pay you anyway if they have something good enough. Plus you balance out your bluffs/semibluffs by betting the effective nuts here.

i meant that they would bet their T anyway when I check, so getting value out of Tx will be easy. But i did miss out of a lot of value against draws which is why i agree i should bet.


Disagree. I think plenty of Tx will only give you 1 street if you check Turn. Something like T9o will check back UI for sure.

With three players on turn, I think a T is unlikely to check as that gives a FD a free chance to hit.

New hand anyway. Fascinating spot IMO

2/3 pub game in Australia that is a 500 Max. Super deep vs bad bar players so I always buy in full as by far best player in game (I’m top 10 in state, no one else bothers with these games)

Straddle to 6 is on. A fish makes it 20 playing 500 utg. He has probably 25% of hands maybe slightly more.

Another fish shoves 125 utg3 he has 20% of hands and maybe some reduced amount of AA and KK

I’m CO with AQo and a 700 stack. There are 3 covering stacks behind me. I call???

Fish call as well. I expect him to call about 12% maybe some more.

Flop: 375: 632

He looks like he want to bet but checks. I check

Turn. 8

Same again about a 20 sec tank from him. I check

River Q

He bets 60 with 320 back


I think he has all sets. His willingness to bet f and t should discount some Qx but who knows, morons gunna moron.

If the guy that jammed for 125 is jamming as wide as you described then I think I just ship it pre and try to get HU with him as a big favorite. Calling seems really bad here since it opens you up to getting squeezed pretty wide by one of the people behind you if they’re paying attention to the dynamics.

As played flop and turn checks seem fine. With his river bet it seems like he’s blocking with some kind of weak 1 pair hand like a pp <QQ or A6 or some stupid shit like that. It’s possible he could have you smoked with 54 or a set or maybe even 86 if he’s opening that wide. If you think he’s bad enough to call it off with those 1 pair hands then ship it, otherwise I think calling is okay.

I might check behind on the turn there with a ten if I thought it likely the preflop raiser had an overpair that he would fold to a turn bet but bet or call with on the river. If I think they still fold that overpair to a river bet, then I bet the turn to deny them the two-outer that is the only reason they give action on the river.

Against a good player, a bet-bet-bet line isn’t guaranteed to be called on the river by a ten. In hero’s spot, I bet small, blocking bet sized like I would with the overpairs and draws I bet the turn with.

Easy river jam, I don’t see how it’s even close. Preflop seems insane, but correct if your percentages are right.

Does my opponent have enough behind for me to bluff the river?

1/2 PLO

Button straddle. I call in MP with ATT6 with one suit. Six ways to the flop.

Flop is KJ8, giving me the nut flush draw and a gutshot. I bet 50 into 60. SB in the only caller.

Turn is an offsuit six. SB now donks for 125 into a pot of 160. Hero calls.

River is a 9, so the board is KJ869. The frontdoor flush missed. Villain checks with about 180 behind. Hero covers. Hero jams with his TT blockers. 180 effective into a pot of 410.

Should I bluff here?
  • Definitely
  • Probably
  • Maybe
  • Probably not
  • Lol no
  • Don’t know.

0 voters

Lol didn’t realize I voted in this.

Didn’t ship pre because of covering stacks behind, and I think they will actually play really correct vs my specific hand (like they will still call AKo and JJ which really sucks for my hand) for 200bb. I think if they had in the 300 range preflop I would rip for sure and not think twice about it.

I think there is zero chance to try and squeeze with thinking they have any fold equity vs me.

RE: River, I ended up tank calling purely because while I thought he might be betting some random hands and pairs lower than a Q, only the semi-decent Qx is actually calling a shove I can beat, and there are a wide enough range of hands that actually crush me, specifically sets but also some random 2p bullshit.

I ended up calling, getting rolled QJo and feeling like a moron. Which is nice.

I did win the main as well, guy who ripped 125 had KJo

Yeah, maybe shipping is bad, idk. Calling seems really terrible too though. Pretty shitty spot pre all the way around.

I should have just pretended I had Q2o and folded pre haha

It’s a basic question of how many worse hands he folds. I believe hero when he says villain has sets in his range, so you need to find enough bet/call hands you can beat.

The problem is that it looks like a blocking bet that will fold to a jam. On the other hand, villain appears to be exhibiting a classic tell so he can get two free shots at hitting one of his overs. If villain fits this profile, then the most EV play might be a minraise with the intention of folding to a jam.

Got my wife out playing shortstack strategy. She had this hand earlier:

1/3nl, all betting in red chips only. Effective stack ~$95. Heroine UTG w/ AKo, raises to 25, 3 callers.
Flop Q94 rainbow, 1 check to her, heroine? Villains all regular 1/3 bro-dude types.

Edit: I guess no harm in posting results: She check-folded, and I told her that was probably correct, but she wanted me to run it by my “online poker friends to see what they thought.”

Silly PLO question. I dont play plo much and not good at it but my game has 1 plo hand per round.

I didnt play this hand but had a talk about it later.

5-10 game 5k eff with villain

Hero opens ATccJ4ss. Many callers.

Flop JT9ccx

Old passive guy in the blinds 225, hero calls, late position villain 1100. Old guy folds.

Hero called and folded to a pot bet on a blank turn

Assuming LP has KQ 100% of the times whats the right play in this depth?