Poker Hands and Strategy

Playing mostly live its hard to justify doing a bunch of solver work when live players are so lolbad and so many pots are multi-way. When I do solver work I’m mostly thinking lol I don’t have to do any of this.

What’s the most sessions you guys have lost in a row?! Im kinda going crazy, I’m on 8 now, just squeezed with K10, flopped top 2, got it AI, drawing to 4 outs.

I broke even for a year at live cash. I’ll never question runbad again.

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Have played in a home game SNG, real casual $100 entry with a real deepstack structure, 3/9 cash ($100, $300, $500) and somehow I haven’t cashed for like twelve straight games. And the players are reallll bad (indicated by me somehow being the best player). Runbad, especially live, is horrific.

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I don’t remember but definitely more than 8.

Sounds about right, I think my record is 12, but not at these stakes

It’s all one session. I don’t even know what my personal record is because it’s not important info.

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Thanks Bruce


A good lol 1/3 hand from last night

Effective stack is V2 with $580. V1 has $800 hero has $600

Hero on button and has straddle on.

V1 in EP calls straddle. V2 in CO calls, hero checks with 97o

Flop 973ddd

Check, check, I bet $15, call, call

Turn Ah

Check. V2 Bet $50, I call. V1 calls. Not sure if I can raise here?

River 9c

Check, V2 bets $110

I shove which is large but I don’t want to miss value.

V1 tanks for like 7 min. Throws in chip. V2 tanks for like 2 min and calls

V1 has k9, v2 has 33

I scope like $1800 pot. :grin:


I would absolutely shit my pants and be flabbergasted til the end of time if i got 2 calls there and was good

4 diamonds on the turn and you’re wondering about raising?


Shit lol that’s a typo! Should be Ah lololol

Slightly changes things. :grin::grin::grin:

Lol me

I don’t see how their calling range isn’t a ton of A9 but I guess you must have had a crazy read.

I don’t get what you are saying. Call river? Surely not fold!

Is this a standard play from V1 or can they find a fold here with their 33.

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V2 had 33 but I agree his line is more interesting. I am not sure if he can fold given odds there. I think given my higher than average bluff frequency and V1 tanking so long his hand looks like crappy flush maybe I think I call too.

I’d expect a raise of that size to be called by a range that mostly beats you unless the V’s were horrific

i probably just raise river smaller or try to raise the turn and then bet/fold or bet/crying call river, personally, but if i knew the guy was a monkey of course that’d change

You are only beaten by literally 4 combos of A9. In 1/3 I am going for max value there all the time with flushes, trips and several smaller boats possible.

sure yea if you’re playing in a game where people regularly stack off 200 bb’s multiway with trips, that’s probably a good idea

Isn’t that virtually every live 1/3 game?