Poker Hands and Strategy

I also dislike using “megadonk” as a decision to play extremely bad range. You take advantage of megadonks by playing a better range than they do. Not by playing 62 vs his 95


What if I told you that Helmuth has $17m in winnings? (I see Jonny already beat me to that thought.)

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Sure I agree in principal. But if someone like Bruce is in blinds you are not massively increasing you preflop raise range to damn near any two? That wasn’t this spot so your point holds, just making a general counterpoint.

I’d tell you I have seen both v2 and hellmuth play hundreds of hands and I would snap take v2 in any field. :grin: as already noted, nobody here is level one enough to think total winnings alone is sufficient evidence of skill.

While I appreciate the jab, but nbz will not be labeled as a megadonk or the label is useless.

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I can be kind of sticky in the BB. Anyways, V1 sounds nothing like me and he was in the sb.

1/2 hand ~1.5k effective (lol UK games)

Young kid who has been semi splashy raises to 6 from CO I can’t tell yet if he’s a GTO guy who doesn’t always apply it or a crazy person or something in-between he’s definitely active.
Cutoff calls
I 3 bet Ac Qd to 32 on the button the kid has shown down 63hh as a caller of a 3 bet previously so this is purely for value

Fish cold calls from BB

Kid 4! To 125

I call, could fold here but with the fish cold calling oop I figure the kid can 4! Bluff here super profitably if I’m folding hands this strong.
Fish calls

Flop As Td 3s

Check check check
I think under repping here is fine but in retrospect a bet would’ve helped

Turn Kc

Fish checks kid bets 100
I call
Fish folds

Pot is ~ 580
River Ks
Kid thinks for a while then goes all in for ~800 I cover

I have the perfect bluff catcher but should I pull the trigger?

Interesting hand. Couple errors in the HH. You say CO raises and then CO calls. Guessing HJ is the 4betting kid and CO was some random caller to the first raise who folds to the 4bet? The other thing I saw was that the stacks in the betting don’t add up to 1.5k effective, more like 1k effective.

Anyway, him betting quarter pot ott seems weak with the fish in the hand and draws on board, but I guess he could have got there on the river with a random King or some spades he was planning to check/shove otf. What makes this tough is I feel like your entire range for this line is AQ. So that would mean you’re supposed to call sometimes, like when you have the Queen of spades, and fold others.

If you just want a soul read, I dunno, call. His line looks fishy.

I’d think you don’t want the Qs in your hand so that you don’t block him bluffing with the nut flush blocker.

I don’t see how he has offsuit Qx in his preflop range, other than AxQs which there are two combos of and most likely just take their showdown value. Maybe KxQs or QsJx, but those beat AQ.

I feel like the fish in there means the kid shouldn’t be 4bet bluffing as much because stations gonna station.

What do you think a reasonable bluffing range looks like?

The most reasonable bluffs to me are QQ/JJ with a spade. Also, AxQs trying to demibluff. This line tends to be polarized between bluffs and slowplays (or a hand like KK), in my experience. Unless villain has shown the capacity to overbet bluff or you have a live read, I feel like this line is usually a nutted hand at small stakes.

Ignition - 40/80 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

Hero (SB): 282.76 BB
BB: 212.12 BB
UTG: 264.87 BB
UTG+1: 231.06 BB
MP: 277.32 BB
MP+1: 288.89 BB
MP+2: 295.1 BB
CO: 349.59 BB
BTN: 256.16 BB

9 players post ante of 0.1 BB, Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 2.4 BB) Hero has Kd 2d
fold, fold, fold, fold, MP+2 raises to 2 BB, fold, BTN calls 2 BB, Hero calls 1.5 BB, BB calls 1 BB

Flop : (8.9 BB, 4 players) Kc 9h Jc
Hero checks, BB bets 3 BB, MP+2 calls 3 BB, fold, Hero calls 3 BB

Turn : (17.9 BB, 3 players) 2h
Hero checks, BB bets 14 BB, MP+2 calls 14 BB, Hero calls 14 BB

River : (59.9 BB, 3 players) 4c
Hero checks, BB bets 37.92 BB, fold, fold

BB wins 59.9 BB

I like the bet on the flop because your primary goal is to stack the fish not the better player.

As played, you really think he’s bluffing the 40% or so of the time he needs to be? Maybe, but prob not

Fold pre

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I kinda sucked at poker but I always crushed SNGs and I’m beginning to think it’s because I did wacky things like fold K2 to a raise in the SB

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If we’re talking preflop in tournaments, i had a small light bulb moment the other week. I rarely play tournament and when i do play live low-mid stakes one i try to memorize push charts cause its very easy to do so.

I was talking to a friend who’s a world class mtt player and asked about some KTs 16bb shove i did and if its +ev by some tiny margin and he said “who cares”. Just raise and play post flop, they all suck.

Like most of us play very soft field but sometimes obsess too much with completely unnecessary things. At least i know i do at times.

Eta - this also works the other direction. Like defending bad hands in the bb cause you dont want to be exploited or raising 26s otb cause someone limped. You can so easily get into better situations and can easily identify the tables in which you can’t

Would prefer a Bruce HH where you have 88 here and fold to the turn raise tyvm


Legit lol’d

Yeah, this is important to realize. People spend dozens or hundreds of hours thinking they’re establishing a minor edge when they really aren’t.