Poker Hands and Strategy

Talking poker is the nut worst table talk. Closely followed by politics.

Pro move is discuss sports. It’s just so much easier than the table devolving into some argument/poker lingo.

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Agreed. I’d never come across as a pro anyway but yah talking poker seems like a clear sign for people to nit it up around you. An argument could be made that fish may want to beat the obvious reg so may loosen vs them but I’ve never really encountered this personality type in any live game I’ve played.

I like other players talking strategy, so long as they aren’t criticizing other players, because they tell me exactly how they play and I can build a psychological model to predict their behavior. I can participate without giving away anything meaningful.

I can’t do casual fan discussions of sports. You’re probably going to come away with the impression that I’m a nerdy analytics guy and assume I think the same way about poker.

I encourage my opponents to talk about what they want to talk about because it usually gives me clues about how they think about poker.

I’m not extroverted, but I can fake being social enough that I might be the kind of player being talked about here:



I folded the flop. V1 had middle set and V2 had nut flush draw which missed.

I think calling is the worst option. Feels like rip or fold.

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I’ve seen quite a few LAGs get mad at being check-called to death.


I’m pretty sure my recollection of players swearing at me and telling me I should bet my hand or that slow-playing isn’t real poker is not a delusion. I’m pretty sure my recollection of players yelling at me for check-raising is not a delusion. I’m pretty sure my recollection of players racking up and storming off because they are tired of losing to me is not a delusion. I’m pretty sure my recollection of players being obviously frustrated because someone they had pegged as a weak-tight nit made a hero call with a hand that can only beat a bluff is not a delusion.

This is not a weekly or even monthly occurrence, but it happens now and again.

I don’t ever berate weak passive plo regs.

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I think my favorite NBZ hh was like 2 posts after stating how tight he was with starting hand selection. “I called pre OOP with A234ss.”

I only call with hands like that a fraction of the time.

I really am the tightest player at the table almost always and I really am the kind of player who people complain about being too tight, but I’m also not as tight as they think I am. I make some very conspicuous folds like in the big blind to a min-raise or on the button in a limped pot when other players play almost any four cards.

3B 67 off in the BB? Some wizards up in there

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no it was a multiway limped pot and i raised flop and he 3 bet. this is a very weak/tight home game full of whales, people only very rarely raise, I limp quite a bit more than pure GTO would probably recommend. normally I wouldn’t even limp a hand like A2o this multiway, and before I called I even remember thinking “this is kind of a shitty multiway hand, but hey, you have an ace and position, fuck it”

Unless you’ve got NBZ reads I think folding is the worst line here. There is a lot of information to be gained on the turn and you’re in position. See what happens. This is only a fold when you’re up against the exact two hands you describe.

I don’t understand what I want to see on turn? A club I am not happy if someone ships in front of me. I guess a 10 but I’m obviously scared of a set.

Given action I couldn’t see how I wasn’t up against a better made hand and a better draw.

that’s exactly why i just jam it and smh. anything else feels terrible. that’s the exact flop you hope to hit with that hand.

Sure but the action matters. With the click back CR and cold call I’m not just saying “best flop for me, yolo!”

Well it’s a combination of hitting a 9 10 or club but also seeing what the other players do. You can still find a fold in the face of aggression, but there’s a ton of value to be had if they start check calling. This is what live reads are for. Live players are predictable.

I don’t see how? Where is my value coming from? I’m hoping someone has a worse 10? Literally only 108suited is in their range.

I’m not saying that. But go check your equity vs even the strongest ranges you can think of against your opponents, you’d be surprised how much you have. You’re only truly crushed against the exact hands you were up against. if V2 doesn’t come along with a better flush draw, which i think we can pretty much deduce his range consists a lot of when he flats there, you’re doin great.

at least the jam has a chance of folding out better fd’s and you get your equity.