Poker Hands and Strategy

you can’t really raise/fold because of overplayed Ad hands bluffing you out maybe. if they only raise Td i could raise/fold here and hate myself. raise/call is gross. i’d call here and not think twice. it looks like a great hand but it’s not. there’s toooons of Td in his range on that board.

You can’t raise fold because villain bet half his stack.

just shove there’s so many more ace of diamonds than tens in the players range, because of preflop choices on what hands people play and willingness to continue with a naked Td vs Ad here. He’s not folding the ace either


o yea derp

I just had a really uncomfortable feeling that he doesn’t play Ad and Td the same way. But if I’m right, then maybe I’m supposed to fold and if I’m wrong I’m supposed to raise, so calling like I did seems like a mistake.

Does your opinion change if I said he once check-called the second-nut straight on the river because he was afraid of the nut straight?

(He had AxTd, btw.)

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How do you feel about delayed c-bets?
  • Usually fancy-play syndrome
  • An important part of a balanced strategy

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After catching a bluff that had my table impressed, one player turned to another and volunteered that he doesn’t like to bluff me because I always “sniff out” his bluffs.

Obviously, I make exploitative folds against him. At the same time, he’s sticky so that doesn’t mean I can run him over. Plus, he slips into pot control lines against me with hands he plays more aggressively against others, so I risk value-owning myself when I bet too thinly.

Right now, I’m thinking about how much lighter I can call him on the flop knowing that he’ll check the turn too often against specifically me, but I don’t know that I should loosen up with my overcalls in multi-way pots.

Mixing in overbets might change things, but it feels like I have a good thing going against this player and I shouldn’t upset the current dynamic and risk making him less predictable. Or am I leaving money on the table by keeping the game easy?

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So I am like super awesome. How can I be more awesome? I’m not sure I can. 🤷


Your repeated skepticism towards my lived experience in poker comes across as very gaslight-y.

I’m sure it’s been said above but I’m lazy so what are your normal stakes/games? Always in casino or home games?

Casino. NL up to 2/5. PLO up to 5/5.

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1/3 live NLHE while waiting for plo seat

I’m on button and I put on $6 straddle, effective stack is me of $680

Both blinds fold, 3 limpers to me, I make it $25 with 9c10c

V1 utg calls, MP folds, V2 MP +1 calls.

Flop is 10d5c6c

Check check to me I bet $35

V1 who was utg raises to $90, v2 cold call!


I probably just fold. It’s likely we’re against a better draw and a better made hand, and at 1/3 they’re not folding either one.

Some of us have read your PLO HHs

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I’d call and draw in position. It gets icky if we hit our flush and one of them wants to stack off, but I’d probably do it anyway.

I’d rip it. Drawing sucks when they won’t fold when you hit and you’re lost. You straddled, don’t get weak on me now.

It’s 1/3 they’ll have JJ sometimes too.

Folding is totally viable as part of a cohesive asymmetric reward style but I don’t think you play that way.

If you call the pot is ~325. If a club comes and some one wants to stack off 10 high flush is never good. Just fold.

Unless the game has been playing real nitty. I check my option in position pre and keep the pot to stack ratio as a high as I can. One one hand 10-9 suited looks nice but its still a bluff and if no one is folding. So why not play a great drawing hand as cheap as possible and get opponents to make bigger mistakes post flop?

bluff value = equity + equity of what you fold out

Gotta bet when it’s checked to you here, precisely because it’s such a good bet.

I like it better as a three bet squeeze if there is a raise and a call before our action. But its 1/3 and once they put 6$ dollars in they are not folding unless you make it like 40 or 50.