Poker Hands and Strategy

I can’t possibly be a super nit because I defend big blind around 85-90% against a minraise.

I fold the 94dd pre. As played I bet turn as well.

Against players who don’t like to fold, I like the turn check.

River I’m definitely not folding. Once you check turn back turn V2 would normally now assume he needs to bet river to get value if he has a strong hand, too much risk you check it back again. Seeing a c/r in that spot is a huge wtfbbq, I pay that off all day, especially with the small sizing of your river bet.

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This is definitely a fold preflop imo. You’re just gonna get in a load of shitty spots and all your good hands flushes trips etc have a very good chance of being 2nd best if significant money goes in. $14 is 4 and a half big blinds at 1/3 how big is your winrate? Big enough that you can throw away 4.5bb willynilly?

If you’re betting flop I think it should be with the plan to be bluffing multiple streets because there’s zero chance you’re taking it down on the flop. So if you’re betting flop then bet turn if you’re checking turn you should check flop. River is a good bet and now a real tough one. I think I’d sigh fold because they always always have it when they raise river but it’s a sick spot, all could be avoided by folding pre.

Folding preflop is insane to me this deep, getting more than 5 to 1, on the button. Maybe it’s a leak but that is the one street I am most confident I played correctly for my game pool.

In hindsight, a turn bet would have worked but I think that is results oriented. Either V1 or V2 should have a queen and won’t fold right?

I’ve never considered effective stacks of 130bb being “deep.”

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I would go bet bet shove or check check bet. Preflop you’re not closing the action and it’s a perfect spot for a huge SB squeeze I’d be squeezing an enormous range from SB here. So much free money to pick up. You’re getting 5-1 but are you happy when all the money goes in on a 997r flop? Even a d d d board gets spooky if people play back at you fish love limping and overcalling with AXs. Being on the button helps mitigate but your reverse implied odds are really bad. Even if you hit (which you won’t a huge % of the time costing yourself 4.5BBs) you’ll have to play pot control and not get stacks in.

Maybe that is the confusion. With a button straddle in this room I close the action as the final caller. Button has last action preflop.

Ah, that makes a difference. I like it a little better then but still you’ve hit essentially as good as you can hope for and you’re still folding. That’s the reverse implied odds working against you.

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You mean because of my $6 straddle but I don’t really think of it that way as I am only one at table straddling so players all play as if it’s a $3 bb so 266 bb deep.

If you’re the only one straddling I can’t imagine it’s +ev even on the button. 2BB is a lot of money. If you win 9bb per hour (which is a decent rate) and you get 3 rounds per hour ~30 hands you’re vpiping 6bb an hour that you don’t have to ie 2/3rds of your winrate.

Sorry to be Mr Buzzkill and honestly if you’re largely recreational I doubt it matters much. But if I was grinding 1/3 trying to build a bankroll (if so then kill me) or trying to maximise ev there’s no way I’d be straddling button or otherwise.

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Ya I’ve thought about this a bunch and I agree it might be slightly -EV when I am am only one but I do it because it often gets more people to start, making the game bigger, which is my goal. It also feeds my lag image.

Best games are when whole table is doing it. I know some argue it makes blinds play tighter but in my experience, in my pool, it’s the opposite. They just call cause they are already committed.

I figure it can’t be too bad raising the stakes when I have position and get last action preflop.

I do play for fun, not a living, so for me a bigger more wilder game is the goal.

Then squeeze the hand of you’re gonna play it. :) If you make it 115 you’ll take it down quite often and if not you can easily stackoff on the flop and get all the variance you want.

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Aside from this not being how math works :grin:, after you call the SPR will be 10 in a 3-handed pot where you have 9-high.

Are you that confident that you’re going to be able to take the pot away from both players post-flop?

I am betting close to 100% when checked to and think it works a fair amount.

I am not going to argue hard on the preflop. With my player pool and my style I just can’t see ever folding pre here unless the other three players are all Bruce’s. Then I snap fold. :grinning:

Yeah, as played have to call. There are literally zero hands that beat you that check turn and river. I was thinking maaaaybe A4?, but A4 bets river for sure after you checked turn. EZ call for me I think, even though I have NO idea what he has.


Multi-way limped pot. I have 54dd otb.

Flop is 976, all diamonds. Checked to me. I bet 15 into 21. One limper calls. Turn is an off-suit 3. He checks. I bet 40. He calls.

River is 8d, giving me the sucker straight flush. He confidently donks for 100 with 100 behind. My read is that he’s never bluffing here. He has more Ad in his turn-calling range than Td, but I’m not sure he bets so big or even bets at all with the ace.

Having already considered on the turn what I would do if the 8d came on the river, I pretty quickly decide to just call. I would have jammed vs a smaller bet size, but I’m not loving a passive player acting like he has the nuts when he obviously sees the four to a straight flush on the board.

yea that’s a call

Call and then smirk when you get topped straight flush over straight flush. I assume in actuality you found some impossible fold?

I wrote that I called because I pre-decided on the turn that I was flatting that bet size on a 8d river

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