Poker Hands and Strategy

I fold V1 calls with his last $100 with 88 V2 shows JJ.

I wish I was making this up!!!

I bet it was a bad value raise instead of a bluff attempt.

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In hindsight, because it was checked around on turn v2 can’t expect me to bet on that river card so his cr makes no sense. I should have called! Dammit!

If I were V2, I would think your line looks like a flush draw, so I would check in the hopes of inducing a bluff, but I would also see it as a protected pot with V1 having so little money behind, so I would only c/r for value with hands that expect to be called by Qx.

I mean, I’ll play with two cocktail napkins on the button getting 5:1 if they’re all gonna check to me

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Don’t ever respond to Bruce’s poker advice. It’s always horrific. He is like the guy from the “The Big Short” where the trader tells his team to just buy the opposite of whatever the one guy does. If Bruce thinks it’s a bad play it’s virtually certain to be the right play.

All you do is troll me in this thread, but at least I’m not some guy who thinks that cashing in a $100 tournament at Run It Up Reno makes me a mixed game expert.

If you’re playing 49sooted I would assume your table image is such that he’s value shoving AQ.

ETA: or JJ


From the hands you’ve posted and the way you describe the games you play I think it would take a nuclear explosion to get me off of trips here.

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Your advice is hanging on how good this sandwich I just ordered is tbh

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Ya in hindsight I really think it’s a bad fold. I was just confused as I could not find a bluff or value hand. I failed to take my own advice and massively underestimated the “idiot button clicking” frequency. :joy:

Look. Let’s just agree to never respond to each other’s poker posting. I don’t respect your game at all and I think vice versa. That’s fine. Let’s both just ignore each other’s poker posting.

Think Diamond is largest union, i am in club Burj(diamond), along with several other unions/clubs. You should be able to get 30% RB on diamond, 45% on other unions.

Look thru thread , lots of reputable agents there, just pm them

I have used , a dewd and hal

You can have multiple accounts , agents etc.

Trip report please! :grin:

if only there was a game of skill where people could settle their disagreements with $$$


I’d rather die than play HU with a super nit. :crazy_face:


well if it’s cash it sucks, but in HU SNG’s super nits are the easiest to beat

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No deal.

Calling preflop is borderline at best. A mistake people make is to look at hot-and-cold equity preflop and you’ve probably got somewhere in the 15-20% equity pre, but you need to look at how the hand will play out. You’re deep-stacked with no nut potential in your hand. You’re multi-way, so making a pair isn’t likely to give you a bluff-catcher, since people bluff less multi-way. Yes, you’re on the button, which helps equity realization, but all the other stuff goes against you, so I would expect you to have poor equity realization in this hand.

Flop is fine. That’s a reasonable bet if you have QJo and a lot of players won’t check top pair or better when a flush draw is possible.

Turn check feels weak. Yes, 65 and A5 (and 42 and 32) zoomed head of you, but you bet only half-pot in a steal position and there are a lot of hands they could have like Ax, bigger flush draws, or pairs between queens and fours where you should bet. This is the kind of check done by players who are afraid of being check-raised or can’t fire the second barrel with a draw. It kind of commits you to making a hand if you want to win the pot because you are giving up a lot of your ability to bluff the river when you miss against players who have signaled they might not be particularly strong. Are you checking behind with QJo? Of course, how you play this street is partly dependent on live reads.

I’m not sure about the river bet sizing. A small bet will get a wider range to call, but maybe a larger, polarizing bet will represent a missed flush draw that another player might bluff-catch against.

In the games I usually play in, where they slow-play too much, check-call river with A4, and never check-raise bluff, it’s an easy bet-fold. In the games you describe, I don’t know why you’re only betting 1/3 pot on the river.

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