Poker Hands and Strategy

Does LLSNL stand for live low stakes no limit? Is 200bb+ 2/5 considered low stakes now?!

I am in Calgary right now for the first time in a while. No poker this week though.

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Was on 2p2

Hmmm, you’ve got a little less than a pot sized bet left assuming I did the math right. I think betting small is probably okay unless he’s the kind of player that can put in a bluff x/r here with a decent frequency, but I’m not a huge fan of it. You can probably get paid by AQ (w/ bdfd so 1 combo lol)/AT/KT/KQ/QJ/maybe JJ/JT. Of course you do block 2 of those combos really well so that’s not ideal and if he starts x/ring it’s really shitty. Shoving probably folds out the Tx combos so you’re left getting called by AQ/KQ/maybe QJ and then everything that beats you so I don’t like that.

Honestly I think I’m fine getting 2 streets of value and then checking back river here. I think far enough from the top of your range in this spot that not getting 3 streets is okay.

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Lol your trolling is so boring.

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Funny, I feel like all you do is troll me in this thread.

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Easiest jam ever.

You lost me at “split pot.”

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Well I got votes for a check back, a small bet, and a jam, so all options seem to be in play.

I did opt for the jam. At the time I thought it was kinda thin, but I’d shown down a decent bluff earlier so I thought I might get called a little light. Checking back felt too nitty. Villain thought for a little bit, said I can’t fold this, and called with a slow played AA. Hmm. Value owned myself. In theory I think this was fine though, but my live reads were a little off in this one.

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If all options are close and on table it’s usually best to pick the most aggressive one imo.

Yea my one mistake was that I thought he viewed me as a bit looser, when in reality he thought I was a nit if he actually considered ever folding AA there.

I guess the real question is … What hands worse than top pair are in villains range. AT?

In my experience loose players who just love calling (stations) tend to think in terms of absolute value ($900) and not SPR (just a PSB getting 2:1) so not sure how many Tx and JJ they have in their calling range.

Ofcourse YMMV.

Obv this V didn’t even 4bet AA oop so he’s either weak tight or trappy (if he thinks you are the type to blast off with AK here)

He slowplayed because he thought you had lots of air/weak, not because he thought you’d value own yourself.

Stands to reason you should be blasting the second best preflop hand you can have there.

“Second best preflop hand” is a dangerous line of thinking by the time the river rolls off.

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Pocket 8s. Jack ten sooted. Some random sooted gapper that made a pair. Looking to make a play himself with Qx and got there.

Yea, but he actually thought about it on the river, so now I think he’s just weak-tight and I made a bad read and shouldn’t have shoved because there’s not enough hands in his value range to call river.

If he’s trappy and thinks my range is wide, he’s snapping that river

If that’s the case then he should be looking at a max 100-110 bb total pot size with one pair. It can be a reasonable stance but it’s weak and leaves a lot of money on the table.

I think it’s being results oriented. There’s very few weak/sticky guys who know also what they’re doing.

It’s just an uncommon player type. With the info you had I don’t see why you be pretty aggro to just to slam the brakes when you have KK squeezing the button.

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I’m just saying you don’t sit there with KK no flush on a JT986 4 flush board and think “2nd best pf hand, better blast off” right? So why would you do that here?

Because this board is nowhere near as wet and we aren’t allowing for villain to be doing dumb shit and properly punishing it.