Poker Hands and Strategy

This seems to be a hand that has led to some debate online. In case it’s not clear, solver kid jams with 33 in the SB over a CO open and runs into AA.

Open jamming for anything more than 12 BB with 33 seems really bad

It was a 3b jam, but you can def openjam more than 12bb from btn/sb.

Not sure about the right line here.

1-3, I open to 8c8d to 15 in EP, fish calls MP, good TAG reg 65 CO, average reg calls BTN, I call, fish calls.

I have 860 to start the hand, fish ~1500, BTN ~2000, 3b covers.

Flop 765ccs anyone leads? I check. It’s checked around.

live reads can suck, but BTN did what appeared to me genuine start of a bet and changed his mind and checked.

Turn Jx. What’s my play?

CO is supposed to check most of the time, if not 100% of the time, I think. So, I would consider leading into someone who checks appropriately and check against someone who c-bets too wide, with the options to call or raise depending on the action. That might be more correct heads-up than multi-way, but people are more careless about giving off tells multi-way, so you find yourself in hands that are effectively heads up if you pay attention.

If I checked a straight on the flop, I’d probably check it on the turn, so I’d probably check the jack, as played.

i agree CO is mostly checking this flop.

leading kinda puts me in an awkward position as i’m very unlikely to take it down but then have a 700 stack with ~500 pot if i’m getting called in one spot.

on the turn if i check am i x/c? then x/f river unimproved? x/r? x/j?

I think after a turn check it’s just one of those “play poker” moments where all options are available depending on what other players do.

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I did end up leadin turn for 160, got called quickly by btn.

River 5x (board 765J5). Pot is 585 and i have 640.

I think i should shove this. I can have all the big hands here pretty realistically while he cant really have much better than AJ.

Ended up chickening out and checked. He instsntly check behind and wins with JTcc

I think you played it fine. I am not in the business of trying to bluff players in 1/3 off top pair unless I know a lot about them.

I think you’re going to get looked up on the river quite often here - lots of missed draws (straight and flush) that you could be bluffing. So even though you are more likely to have the big hands, I think that either (1) he’s just a level 1 player who’s not folding top pair or (2) if he thinks about it, he’ll realize you have enough bluffs to hero call.

If you’re going to bluff, I’d be more inclined to do it with hands with no showdown value as it’s possible your 88 is good - he could have lots of Axcc or A8s.


While this is 1/3 it’s practically uncapped game so it plays very deep at times. People dont stack off that easily. I agree in general but think i misplayed this one as it all aligned well to turn my hand into a bluff there i think.

I might be wrong ofc.

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Villain has blockers to missed draw. Not sure if he’s thinking that way, though.

tournament is $1k senior wsop

blinds 300/500 hero is EP with 7d7h. hero raise to 1500 with ~150k behind. someone behind makes it 4k with 15k behind.

hero calls, flop comes 346dd. hero check/calls 3.5k. turn J, check check. river Q, hero bets 5k,
villain tanks and calls and loses without showing.

this is probably a fold pre for me lately. as played i jam flop. thoughts?

Wait, you’re old enough to play in the Seniors tournament?

no it isn’t my hand just one i came across

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I wouldn’t put in 25% effective with a mid pocket

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Fairly trivial shove or fold pre to the 3b, with a huge lean to fold in most low/mid stakes tournaments.

As played I would probably shove flop but not like it too much. I’m curious as to how much people change their minds on 653 as opposed to 652 (i.e no gutty)

We had a guy with the most reliable tell ever. (Mind you this is limit).

He would two bet on the button on the river by sliding two stacks, one in each hand, in a semi circular motion until they were together away from his body. Often a check raise. And so so often it was pure bluff. People would 3! Or just even call and he would insta muck. Went on for years.

The dreaded river check raise into a 14 big bet pot in limit poker.

5-5-(10) PLO

V1 (950) is a spewy fish who is stuck heaps and probably on his last bullet.

V2 (4500) seems like a solid TAG who probably thinks that I am slightly nittier than I actually am (which is quite nitty)

I cover with AAKTsss on the button. There’s a dead SB.

V1 straddles, limp, V2 limps HJ, I raise to 50, V1 makes it 150, V2 pots to 515. I flat because a V1 shove reopens betting. V1 calls.

Flop J53r with one spade (Pot 1560)

V1 insta lifts up and slams his stack of green chips into the pot for 435, V2 calls.

What line you like here?

Seems just like a lolPLO shove spot.

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