Poker Hands and Strategy

Hard to see what QJ and 67 combos villain has. Of course it’s low limit plo so they are possible. In this spot I would make my decision based on player but I’d lean to raising here as your hand should be best most of the time with his CR then lead line. Feel like you are going to be shown a smaller set a lot.

Without the CR on the turn I’d be more inclined to just call in this spot as players dont thin value lead after call call line.

His CR really makes me think he has a made hand on turn as players don’t semi bluff draws on turn that much. You beat all made hands on turn.

1/2 5 card while waiting for my NL game. I bought in for the min ($200) cause I’m not good/experienced at this game.

$5 to enter the pot, we’re 5 handed. I’m in the HJ JcJs9c9s4s and limp. CO BTN limp, SB pot to $25, BB calls, I call, one player behind calls

Flop ($105) Ts7h3s x BB pots for $105 I jam for $175?

I’m assuming this is a playable hand in a 1/2 5 card game but towards the bottom end? Like I’m thinking I’d play any two pair with JJ+ and maybe like TT77+?

This seems like exactly the trouble flop though as a newcomer, where I flop a decent amount of equity but only have 3 nut outs. I need like 38% and I should be in the 45% range against all the TTxxx that doesn’t block me too hard and like 40% ish vs. a nut flush draw with two overs. But if he has top set and a bigger flush draw I’m around 18% I think? Assuming I’m estimating the equities right, I need him to only have the TT and bigger draw like 10% of the time. Is that reasonable?

Seems like there should be some flips in there like T987 too right?

Felt like I just had to re-pot and gamble here and hope not to run into the set+bigger flush draw combo.


He has TTAsQsX and I’m smoked, brick turn red 8 river. Oops!

Next hand in the BB I get KK333 with one suit, UTG brings in for $5, BTN and SB call, I call? (20) K87r I pot and the btn calls. (60) 3cc I pot and the btn calls (180) 2x I pot and she folds. Smaller on the river maybe? I figured 88 and 77 are like never folding in a live 1/2 game, and draws are folding regardless, so might as well pot it?

On the button one person brings it in, I have JJAT4 with one non-nut suit, which seems playable on the button in this game? SB and BB call (20) KJ4hh check to me, pot, SB calls (60) Qx x x Kx he checks, I bet $30? Felt like I had to go smaller than a PSB here as I need straights to call.


He calls after about 10 seconds, mhig.

On the first board, you’re 36.93% against TTxx and 17.97% against TT with A :spades: 5 :spades:. 40.26% with TT and the 5 :diamonds: 2 :diamonds. You’re 34.26% against A :spades: K :spades: Q :diamonds: T :diamonds: and 43.45% against A :spades: K :spades: 5 :diamonds: 2 :diamonds:.

Your hand is playable for cheap in late position, but the 4 dangler that also gives you three to a suit is not good.

I guess I call with KK333. Smaller sets might find a fold. If those sets sometimes raise on the flop, then your bet-sizing should target two pair hands. Some people advocate pot-pot-half-pot lines. I usually don’t bet pot on most streets these days.

Some people will play almost 100% of hands OTB in an unlimped pot. Bet-fold is reasonable on the river. Check behind is reasonable against an OMC-type. What bet size do you think reps a bluff by missed hearts?

Pretty sure you don’t want to voluntarily put money in pre flop with hands that can’t scoop.

Oh is this 5 card high only? The fuck?

Is that five card with Holdem rules? You can use any amount of cards in your hand! If so wtf.

Yes 5 card high only. I’m bad but not bad enough to play JJ994 and KK333 at hi-low lol…

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No it’s just 5 card PLO high.

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I literally just realized I turned the nut straight in the second hand. :man_facepalming:

As far as I can tell, 5-card PLO high is centered around Baltimore/DC because bad players there really liked it. It seems to be spreading, unfortunately. I hate it because I feel like you have to play a fewer percentage of hands than 4-card. Also, cheaters love it on the apps because you can share more cards.

Correct and correct. It’s starting to spread to Philly. Bad players love it consciously cause they feel like they get more good hands since they don’t realize some hands are junk. They probably don’t realize consciously that equities run closer together, but as a result they win more often.

They play 5 card hi/lo around here (ok/tx), but I have no interest in it. Feel like for high, playing any hands for a raise that aren’t super correlated / straighted with 2 suits is a huge leak. But it’s $200 buy in live so w/e. Always better to be too tight re: hand selection in these games than too loose.

Big O/Congress is a great game for taking money from players who just want to gamble.

Split-pot games, in general, seem to fit how my mind works.

JxJy9x9y4x is a junk hand

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So fold pre regardless of position? Playable on the button?

I assume we’d be ok to play it if the 4 was like an 8 or higher and gave some additional connectivity?

Hand doesn’t make many nut flushes or straight. Seems important for 5 card.

Right. I think in a reasonably tough game the value of those sets is way diminished but at 1/2 where I expect people to people play any pair and not fold a small set on a dry board, the value of those pairs goes up.

But my expectation could be way off. I know that we want to play two pair hands like 77+ with connectivity, and pretty much any AA and most KK even if the rest of the hand is dusty. But the non-premium non-dust QQ/JJ is where I don’t know.

You probably underestimate the ability of bad PLO regs to fold small sets. I think I make more money from people chasing with a weak hand like OESD and a non-nut flush draw than calling with an under set.

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Yeah that’s a good point. They probably only need to get set under setted so many times before they figure it out.

I left in 2011 and forgot to go back.

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