Poker Hands and Strategy

That’s how all poker sessions go. You’ve just been away too long to remember how easy it is.

First time playing in the back of a muffler shop, but its all regs and slow.

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So your strategy is to play even tighter than the nits so that you can outflush/outkick them in limped pots.

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I missed that one in rounders. There’s the 30-60 at the Mayflower, the Greeks, the 4 am game at woodside, and the back of the muffler shop.

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Not exactly. It’s to trade what may be a smaller mistake preflop in exchange for giving them a chance to make a bigger mistake postflop

1k effective I cover
Three limpers, straddled pot open AA55ccss otb to 50.

347cc flop MP pots I flat.
3s turn they rip for 600 I fold.

Bleh. Annoying spot, literally can’t have better.

Pot flop

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In theory if you’re not going to play with them long enough for them to figure out what you’re doing, you could limp your suited AX hands and some of the strong broadways and lower pairs and open a really weak polar range with big pairs and low suited cards.

But that’s a pretty extreme exploit that opens you up big time.

Was going to, think I do most of the time, but thought I could still realize equity on most turns, which is probably quite wrong ~225bb deep?

Aren’t you effectively 100bbs deep with the straddle? I’m not that creative and just rip flop all the time with a hand like that with real good equity against everything but the straight which you block. Plus occasionally you knock out hands with decent equity that you would rather fold.

Yeah. This is vs the only other player over $500, only other player that is definitely a winner in the game so it’d a weird spot. They could even have some Kxxxcc stuff I’m just crushing.

I’m probably flatting deeper and ripping with that SPR. Block the straight, over pair, NFD, wheel draw. GII

Yeah other than aa56 it’s the second best combo possible, feels bad if we are just ever folding the very top of our range vs a decent thinking player.

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Man, I just don’t get Omaha at all

Obligatory repost we have all seen multiple times


Michel (voiceover): “If you can’t find the boorish American hold’em player at the table within half an hour, you are the boorish American hold’em player.”

TITLE/CREDITS. This entire movie is in black and white, with subtitles.

Michel (voiceover): “This game is really scummy, and well above what I can afford to play. My entire bankroll is riding on this one session going well. This is Teddy CIA’s place, where they only play Pot Limit Omaha, the most sophisticated game in Europe.”

  • Michel knocks on the window -

Teddy CIA: “You want poker, or whore?”

Michel: “Poker. Give me three stacks of high, elitist society.”

Michel: “I raise.”

Teddy CIA: “It’s a position raise. I call.”

  • The flop comes 5-7-A, with two diamonds -

Michel: “I bet the pot.”

Teddy CIA: “I raise the pot.”

Michel: “I reraise the pot.”

Teddy CIA: “I reraise the pot.”

Michel: “Pot.”

Teddy CIA: “Pot.”

Michel: “Pot.”

Teddy CIA: “Pot.”

Michel: “Pot.”

Teddy CIA: “Pot.”

Michel (voiceover): “I sit back and think. I have three aces - the best possible hand. I want him to think I’m debating a call, but really I’m just thinking about Monte Carlo, and whatever the [censored] is in Monte Carlo.”

Michel: shrugs “Okay, well, I re-pot it, I’m all in, because I don’t think you have a pair.” winks at the camera

Teddy CIA: “Who are you winking at? It doesn’t matter, I call.”

Michel (voiceover): “I know before he even says it.”

Teddy CIA: “I have 8-6-4-3 with two diamonds, for a wrap straight draw and a flush draw, which is a favorite over your top set.”

  • Turn is a King. River is a 2 which gives Teddy CIA an ace-to-five straight for the win. -

  • Michel sits there, shell-shocked. -

Joey Croissant: “Come on, I’ll get you a whore.”

Michel (voiceover): “Well, that sucked. Since then, I’ve sworn off of poker and made my living as a roadside prostitute for boorish American tourists. Hopefully, I can pay my way through law school that way. I can always find games, though. I could turn this truck onto the road and be at the Taj in 19 and a half hours.”

Michel (voiceover): “I’m here to pick my friend Worm up from prison.”

  • Worm walks out of prison -

Michel: “Worm! It’s wonderful to see you!”

  • They kiss each other passionately on the mouth -

Michel: “How was prison?”

Worm: “I was brutally sodomized on a regular basis.”

Michel: “Look…Croissant, I never told you this, but about a year ago, I was playing poker at the Casino des Atlantes, and Marcel Luske walks in. He sits down at the 50/100 pot limit game. And, I mean, the whole place stops, right? Just watching this guy play. After a while there isn’t a ******ed European gambling game going, because everybody’s just, you know, watching this guy.”

  • Joey Croissant nods -

Michel: “So you know what I did? I sat down.”

Joey Croissant: “No way, you need at least 300,000 euros to sit down at a game like that. Such bad financial management is typical of a boorish American!”

  • Joey Croissant and Michel laugh for twenty-six minutes -

Michel: “Right, okay, but seriously, I played for an hour, doing nothing but folding. Then I won a huge pot.”

Joey Croissant: “Aces? Kings? Ace-King doublesuited? Suited aces? High connectors? Middle doublesuited connectors? Two big pair?”

Michel: “Rags.”

Joey Croissant: “That’s probably fine too, you’re only like a 48/52 dog.”

Michel: “I raised. And he came over the top of me, like I was a boorish American. I re-popped it. He potted it again. I think for like two seconds and then I re-pot it.”

Joey Croissant: “Jesus [censored] Christ, how much money did you have?”

Michel: “After I bet I would quietly slide my chips back toward my stack, nobody noticed. Anyway, he thinks for a while, looks at me, checks his cards again, and he mucks. I take it down. And then he looks at me and says, ‘I have to know. Did you have it?’ And I said, ‘I’m sorry Marcel, I can’t remember.’”

Joey Croissant: “Face!”

Michel: “I know, totally. Anyway, based on that one hand, I felt confident gambling for all the money I had, at one time.”

Law Professor: “I am a Jew.”

Michel: “I hate you.”

Teddy CIA: “We play, heads up, Pot Limit Omaha, 25 and 50 blinds, until one of us has it all?”

Michel: “Out of sheer curiosity, you realize you’re giving up like boat loads of equity by agreeing to gamble for money that’s effectively yours anyway, right? That you could just not let me play, and then kill me and take what I have?”

Teddy CIA: “I know, but I am a boorish American!”

  • Michel and Teddy CIA laugh for seventy-two minutes -

Michel (voiceover): “I pick up Ace-Ace-Jack-Ten doublesuited.”

Michel: “I raise the pot.”

Teddy CIA: “Very aggressive. But, I reraise the pot.”

Michael (voiceover): “He’s representing Ace-Ace-King-King doublesuited, the only hand better than mine. I can’t call, and give him a chance to catch. I can only fold…if I believe him.”

Michel: “I reraise, I’m all in.”

Teddy CIA: “Take it down.”

  • The flop reads 10-9-5, with two spades -

Michel: “Pot.”

Teddy CIA: “Pot.”

Michel: “Pot.”

Teddy CIA: “Pot.”

Michel: “Pot.”

Teddy CIA: “Pot.”

Michel: “Pot. I’m all in.”

Teddy CIA: “Alright, I call. What do you have?”

Michel: “Jack high flush draw and middle set.”

Teddy CIA: “Wrap, with a king high flush draw.”

Michel: “Boy, I sure hope my 5:4 edge holds up, otherwise I am going to die.”

  • Turn is an off-suit 5, giving Michel an unbeatable hand. But the river is the ace of spades anyway, because it’s always the [censored] ace of spades. -

Teddy CIA: “He beat me. Pay that man his money. His silly, silly-looking European money.”

Cab Driver: “Where are you off to?”

Michel: “Monte Carlo.”

Cab Driver: “Good luck.”

Michel: “Shut the [censored] up.”


What don’t you get

What hand ranges do you think make sense for both players here?

Villain in LJ opens to 15. SB calls. Hero 3bets to 80. Both call.

Flop is A65r. SB checks. Hero bets 75. Villain calls. SB folds.

Turn is Q :diamonds: , putting two diamonds out. Hero checks. Villain bets 100. Hero check raises to 500. Villain thinks and calls.

River is T :diamonds: , putting the backdoor flush out. Hero insta-jams for 650 effective. Villain tank calls.

I play a lot of mix games on private site. Games haven’t been that great so trying to get back into plo.
I was lost on river on what to do.
2-5 plo heads up he has 1700 I cover. I pot size bet on button with TcAcTh9d flop 8c2d3c I bet 25. Turn is 9s they check, I bet 50 and he check raises to 120. I call and river is Ts. He leads into me for 320.

His strategies are always finding the way to rationalize the weakest most passive line.

Agree. One of my biggest leaks when I first transitioned from Holdem to plo was spots like these where I might flat in Holdem. In plo I find the best option is often to get it in, accept the variance, but maximize your opponents willingness to gamble with incorrect equity. People tend to mess up SPR decisions so much in live plo.