Poker Hands and Strategy

Ignition has been buggy af for a few weeks and I just found an outage compensation bonus for 40,000 points on the account dashboard. Gotta claim it, so anyone with an account with Ignition or Bovada should check for it

.10/.25 6-handed

This hand has been bothering me. Villain was to my direct left and has been playing 50/35, albeit only through 40 hands. On a prior hand when he was only 66bb deep he stacked me when my AK flopped TP/TK vs. his bottom set.

The following hand happened shortly thereafter:

$26.50 effective stacks

Dealt to Hero in MP: [Qd Qs]

UTG folds

Hero raises to $0.75

Villain raises to $1.95

…folded back to Hero, who raises to $4.45

Villain raises to $26.58 and is all-in.

Is this a snap-call, snap-fold, or ughhhhhhh?

I don’t think I’d ever fold queens for $20 in any game preflop. Sorry you lost.

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I used to have a quasi rule in anon games of getting AK pre from from MP and QQ’s from CO for 100bb’s. 50/35 is high even for 40 hands so that matters, imo. This is an easy call.

But it’s not really worth getting hung up on because you’re splitting hairs whether this is MP vrs CO or CO vrs SB or something.

It’s an easy call with his stats and his hand shoudn’t change how you approach this situation in the future but I’d prefer to see on more fold pre with QQ’s for 100bbs

Zenith chart says call with JJ+ and AKo.* This assumes Villain is jamming all AKs and most AKo, ie that they’re not an OMC (which your villain prob isn’t with those stats). I had to round your $4.45 to the nearest size used by the solver, which is $5.67. (This doesn’t necessarily mean your size was bad, just that the only smaller size given to the solver was $3.56 which the solver didn’t like.)

*Hero doesn’t have any AKs in that spot because the solver never uses 3x with AKs from the HJ. If we change the action to: HJ 2.5x | CO 3bet 7.7x | HJ 4bet 17.84x | CO jam
then JJ and QQ are each 50% call/fold while TT is a pure call. This is because TT has slightly more equity vs CO’s jamming range (which is mostly AK and KK). HJ’s calling range is {KK+, all AKo, all AKs, all TT, half JJ, half QQ}. Also note that TT wasn’t in HJ’s 4bet range after the 3x open. But anyway, if we’re half-calling QQ vs an optimal villain then we’re pure calling vs this villain.

I actually folded, but I immediately regretted it and closed the table in disgust after the next hand.

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Call and think little of it if he wins with AA KK AK or sucks out.

I’d call TT as played vs that opponent

That was a trivial fold a year or two ago on global. Can’t speak for other sites.

In my experience it’s AA, KK, or AK almost every time on Ignition and I would probably tank fold. In other news, I played live for the first time in over two years and the play was so passive I couldn’t believe it. Played 6.75 hours for a profit of 17BB/hr. Kept my eye out for competent players and never saw one. Got paid every time I value bet and got the fold every time I bluffed. Literally night and day from online. My back is sore as hell though.

1-3nl at a local casino.
Two ep players limp. I raise to 15 with K♣️K♠️ in the CO. Button (old guy who appears to be a regular) quickly cold calls, and the BB and two limpers come along so it’s 5 of us to the flop.
Flop is Q❤️2♦️3♦️.
Checked to me so I lead out for 50.
Button shoves for 156 total and it’s folded back to me.

Snap call and hope you don’t run into AA or QQ.

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Pretty standard call. Sorry you lost.

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I think 22 or 33 is more likely.

I’m sorry you ran into a set (or AA) but this is a snap call. With an SPR of 1.2 facing a decision with three players left to act, button can jam all decent top pairs, all combo draws and all flush draws for fold equity or protection. Folding KK would be huge mistake with an EV loss of at least $40 here. The SPR is too small for you to fold KK.
If you’re wondering if you should ever fold on this flop, it means that your read isn’t strong enough to consider a fold.

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You don’t make your money in these low limit games looking for huge folds with your big hands. Standard call.

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Gotta raise to more than 15 in that spot, no?

I’d probably go $20 but as you know preflop raise size is rarely a deterrent in these size games. :grinning:

I must be way too tight. Honestly, the only hands I could put him on were AA - QQ. I didn’t think he’d play AQ that aggressively. I folded and he showed A♦️K♦️.

That’s insanely tight. People shove JQ there all the time! Maybe if he’s 80 and hadn’t vpipd yet, but putting someone on AA or QQ there is very silly!

They never have aces. They could have all sorts of stuff like A4, A5dd, AJdd, Qxdd etc.

1/3 at resorts world lv eff stacks ~400

MP raises to 6, button calls, SB folds we call in our BB with J2hh (loose call I know)

Flop (19) 9h 5s 3h
Checks to button who bets 15
We c/r to 55 with our J hi flush draw as a bluff with some equity which doesn’t realize well if we just call oop. Plus this board should hit our range harder though it’s 1-3 so YMMV.(I felt raise > fold > call here)

Turn (129) 9h 5s 3h 6h
We bet 80
Btn things a bit and jams for 307.

Fold - coz Vs don’t raise jam here at 1-3 much at all. In the small sample of 30mins V seems loose and stationy and not a maniac.
Call - coz we have the 3rd nuts and getting 2.3:1