Poker Hands and Strategy

First time at the new room. The run good is here an hour in.


Still shipping?

Just left. 7 hour session and I ended up like $50 lol. Back at it tomorrow though. Games were pretty good. Room was fantastic. Dealers were awful which I assume will get better. I don’t really have any notable hands. After the first hour I went pretty card dead.

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Mega whale is opening to $100 at this 2/5 game at 4:00 on a Sunday. One time?

Things I’ve learned after this weekend:

  1. If you get donk bet into on the completed flush river call with any semblance of showdown value. I swear this happened 3 times to me.

  2. If you get raised on the river you are beat 90% of the time. I need to river raise bluff more.

Everybody says that. :wink:

ehhh probably not. When I was playing a ton of 2/5 bet thin and folding a ton to raises was the way to go. People don’t fold.

Throwing bluffs was a big loss when I transitioned from online to live

If you’re frequently getting raised otr you’re betting too thin.

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Everyone has a plan until they get check raised on the river.

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There’s 26 people on the list for PLO with one table already running. It’s noon on a Monday. TCH Dallas

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Maybe they’re trying to get in a game before the room gets shut down!?

That’s why I’m here (again).

First double took 32 minutes

3rd session at Saracen. (1/3) In for 300 out for 1800.

Game is unreal soft.


Does PLO make there? $500 is a super small cap for 2/5 live.

Only 3 sessions in but not so far.

Have my doubts about the longevity of the room. They are running a pretty good promotion but not advertising it well. 15 K rake back back for the month chopped by top 30 players.

Also, I think cap is 1K. That’s what it is for NL500.

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Is that the only room in the state?

Does the 100% mean you can match the biggest stack?


God I envy America. We’re lucky to get 100bbs anywhere in Australia.